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Jack gently took Mark's hand in his and quietly said, "I love you." Mark smiled wholeheartedly and looked up at Jack's face.

Suddenly his joy turned to confusion as he seemed to realize something. Mark said, "Jack.. why were you there? Outside that room?"

Jack inhaled through his teeth and guiltily admitted, "I wanted to know where you were going... to see if you were okay. So I sort of followed you..."

"Stalker," Mark said jokingly.

Jack giggled and continued, "But in the back of my mind I knew you were going to Amy. I'm sorry.. that I listened to you guys... I shouldn't of done that."

"No, it's okay, I'm glad you were there. I don't know what I would've done if she had just left me there.... well actually I guess she did. But you were out there, you were there for me."

Jack felt really glad that he had made it better for Mark when Amy walked away. Jack replied, "I told you I'm here for you too."

Mark smiled and said, "I didn't doubt you."

He then lazily glanced down at the floor and suddenly froze. "Hold on... didn't Felix say they were all wondering where we are..."

Jack's eyes widened as he blankly replied, "Yah..."

"...and how long ago was that?"

"....a while."

They shared a nervous look and Mark nervously said, "What the hell are they gonna think we've been doing away for so long..."

"...does it matter?" Jack asked hopefully.

Mark's eyebrows pushed together worriedly as he said, "Just a little bit!"

"Then... I mean if you want, we could walk in separately. They wouldn't know." Jack said in dismay. Mark looked really worried so Jack added, "It'll all be okay. You'll see."

Mark took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Okay," Mark shuddered sadly as he said, "...I- I guess you can go in first then, I'll go through the convention door."

"We don't have to do this.... we could just walk in together."

Mark softly shook his head shamefully as he said, "No I- ...don't want them to think..."

"Okay," Jack simply replied, feeling a bit hurt.

Mark sorrowfully looked at Jack and said, "I'll see you soon." Jack gulped, not feeling great about them separating just because of Mark's irrational fears of what other people might assume.

Mark was about to turn and go, when Jack suddenly remembered something he had been wondering about.

"Wait! W- what did you say... before? When we had the vives..? I know you said something."

Mark looked bewildered for a second, then he smiled. Mark blushed and laughed lightheartedly, then he said, "It's stupid..."

"So you do remember! Tell me."

"Ughhh fine... You said the game was beautiful..." Mark sighed with embarrassment, still smiling he said, "...I thought you were beautiful..."

Jack chuckled and said, "You're kidding. You cheesy bastard." Jack ruffled Mark's hair playfully.

Mark blushed some more and said, "Shhhh it wasn't even meant to be out loud..."

"I think it's adorable," Jack teased, "and thank you, I know, I am beautiful."

Mark giggled and crossed him arms, looking sideways at Jack. Mark's smile faded as he glanced over at the door and worry took over his face again.

Jack smiled supportively and said, "go." Then he softly kissed Mark's cheek and said, "we can talk later."

Mark breathed in deeply and said, "Thank you."

He very softly grabbed Jack's arm and his hands ran down to Jack's hand as he backed away towards the convention center. Jack started to feel nervous too as Mark gave his hand a light squeeze, let go, and turned to walk towards the center.

Jack watched Mark disappear through the doorway, the sound of the convention flooding out and then silencing as the door closed.

"Okay," Jack whispered to himself, "here I go." turning to the backstage door.

He rested his hands on the handle for a second and slowly turned and pushed it open. There were less people in there now, so it was quieter.

The sound of the door closing behind him made a couple people turn their heads, but then they went back to what they were doing.

Jack could hear Ken and Brooke talking loudly, and saw them all standing near where they were before. Most of revelmode was still there, with the exception of Jordi and Jelle whom Jack knew had a signing to go to.

Jack took a hesitant step forward, and then another, and he began to walk at a regular pace. He approached his friends slowly and Felix was the first one to see him.

Felix looked like he was holding his breath as he raised one eyebrow, questioning where Mark was. Jack smiled awkwardly and glanced at the door that Mark should be coming in through soon.

Just then Pj caught sight of Jack too and said, "Hey Jack!" Jack joined everybody in their little group and positively replied, "Heyyy guys."

"Hi Jack," Ken happily said, "Where've you been buddy?"

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