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Jack reached into his suitcase and pulled out some clean clothes. He changed what he was wearing and walked to his phone that was still plugged in.

He picked it up, unplugged it, and checked for messages. Jack saw that Felix had sent him a text asking, "Do you wanna meet me and Ken at the main theater at 8? We're in the convention center already."

Jack thought for a second and replied with, "sure, see u there!" Then he put his phone in his pocket, as well as his wallet, and grabbed his glasses from the table and shoved them on his face.

"God I'm so hungry," muttered Jack as he walked quickly over to the door, pulled it open, and stepped outside.

Jack let the door click closed, then stopped for a second and turned to Mark and Amy's door. He was considering knocking when he noticed their door wasn't fully shut.

The door was resting on the lock but nobody had pulled it all the way closed.

He couldn't help himself, he gently placed his hands on the door, and slowly pushed it open.

As the door opened, light flooded into their dark room and Jack could only make out one figure sleeping in the bed, it seemed like Amy.

"Fuck, is Mark there, is he okay?" thought Jack, "What if he went out an-" Jack stopped his train of thought when he suddenly caught sight of a sleeping Mark, laying across the large chair in the corner of the room.

Jack froze and stared at Mark's resting body wrapped up in one blanket, and shifted his eyes over to Amy. Jack gulped and pulled their door back, bringing darkness back to the hotel room.

He made sure the door was totally shut this time, and turned back towards the elevators.

~Jack went to the elevators, and moved down to the lobby, then went to the Hotel's restaurant and got ordered some waffles and coffee~

Jack gripped the fork in his hands and stabbed the big fluffy waffle on top, "sweet bliss," thought Jack as his knife cut into the waffle. He dipped the first piece of waffle in a little cup of maple syrup and joyfully shoved it in his mouth.

~Jack ate all three waffles and the bacon that came on the side~

Jack was sipping the last bit of coffee in the mug as he caught a glimpse of Mark's dark hair bobbing up and down over a partition in the middle of the restaurant.

"Oh Mark is up and about," thought Jack as a smile spread across his face.

Mark walked around the corner but didn't see Jack sitting over to the side, and Amy was right behind him.

Jack felt distanced even thought they were only a few tables away.

Mark sat down on one side of the table and Amy on the other, Amy was talking to Mark but he seemed to barely be paying attention.

"Is he even trying?" thought Jack, "I wonder what could be going through his head right now."

Jack decided not to stare at them and started messing around on his phone.

Mark's eyes wandered around the room, until he caught sight of Jack sitting alone on his phone with an empty plate in front of him.

Amy had stopped talking and was looking at the menu, but Mark was staring at Jack now.

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