{30}Or Dare

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After Pj, Jelle, and Emma's turns it was Mark's turn. Mark chose truth again and was asked by a scared little girl, "Who's your youtube crush?"

Mark answered jokingly with, "Oh it's definitely gotta be Wade." Mark then seductively winked at the giggling Wade in the front row seats.

Giggles spread throughout the audience and Mark said while shaking his head, "no.. but I don't have one of those, sorry!"

"Awwwww, alright, bye bye Mark!" said the young girl. Mark waved, saying, "byeee" as she headed back to her seat.

"Mark you weakling, do some dares," said Brooke. "Eventually," Mark said, shrugging. "I'll be doing a dare, come at me left line!" said Brooke.

~Brooke, Felix, Jordi, and Ken did their various truths and dares, buuuut moving right along~

Ken had just finished admitting that he would indeed rather a lifetime supply chocolate instead of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"How dare you, going against your own name," Felix said shamefully. Ken chuckled and said, "I mean I don't even really love the cereal.. chocolate is definitely better."

"Cheater," Pj said, frowning dramatically.

Jack was just slowly shaking his head at Ken when he realized who's turn it was. "Oh jeez, it's my turn again," Jack said with a deep breath.

"Yup," Ken nodded. "Please nothing big again," Jack said quietly, looking hopefully at the guy at the front of the right line, "I'll do a dare this time."

"Erm, Hello," said the young man at the right microphone, "I had an idea... but it sounds stupid now um.."

"That's fine! Im all about stupidity," said Jack.

"Alright alright.. I guess I dare you to do your intro as calmly as possible."

Jack raised an eyebrow, laughed and said, "I'm not sure if that's the easiest dare ever, or the hardest."

"Oh shush, that's super easy," Jelle said positively.

"Yah I know, but it'll be weird," Jack said while readjusting himself to look very sincere.

He raised his hand and slowly high fived the air very calmly saying, "wapish." In a quiet, slow voice Jack said, "Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to truth or dare with the revelmode squad."

"It's not right, I don't like it!" Jordi exclaimed when he finished. Jack laughed and said, "I am never doing that again."

~skippy skip~

"Fine I'll stop cowering behind my truths," said Mark, "go ahead and gimme a dare." Mark was looking to the person at the microphone.

She started to speak, but instead just covered her mouth and laughed. She regained control of herself and gave her head a little shake as she said, "Okay, so, I'm sorry about this," and started giggling uncontrollably.

Very quickly she finished with, "Okay okay okay! Mark I dare you to kiss Jack ON THE LIPS! F- for at least like five seconds." Most of the people in the audience started to squeal and scream.

Jack was turning pink again when he registered what she had just said. "Ooooh my god it's finally happening," Felix whispered into his tiny microphone.

Mark was just sitting there face palming, then he said, "I- I don't know what I should've expected." He was turning red too and looked over at Jack. Jack was making a face like "please don't do it," and shaking his head slowly.

Mostly Jack just felt terrified inside, he didn't want to kiss Mark on a dare, that just seems so cheap.

Jack rested his head on his hand and took the opportunity to say, "Mark, come over here and kiss me." Everybody laughed as Jack sat batting his eyelashes at Mark.

Jack glanced at Amy who was hiding her head in her hands. She wasn't laughing, Jack could tell she wasn't happy about that dare.

"You made me do this." Mark said frowning over-dramatically at the girl still at the microphone as he majestically pushed himself up from his chair.

Jack started to laugh, hiding his face behind his hand as he got off of his stool. Jack dropped his hands and crossed his arms, walking up to the middle of the semicircle and in front of the table.

Jack shook his head again, still smiling he said, "This isn't fair, Mark's dare shouldn't involve me!" Jack stepped up to Mark and faced him.

Mark looked just as scared as Jack felt, but at the same time he was trying to hold back laughter.

"I'll count down from three," Ken said, smiling, "then count those five long seconds for ya."

"Oh my god," Emma said, watching from between her fingers.

Jack looked at Mark's blushing face and suddenly felt incredibly nervous, it was finally soaking in what was about to happen.

Mark mouthed the words, "Fuck it," with his smile. Ken loudly said, "THREE!" and the audience kept cheering and squealing.


Mark looked into right into Jack's eyes.


Jack's stomach dropped.

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