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"Oh god there's so many people already there," Felix said nervously while looking at the line in front of the main theatre.

Ken, Mark, Jack, and Felix were quite a distance away from the official entrance, and were all staring at it from behind a closed booth.

"God I feel like we're stalking them, we should keep moving guys," Jack said.

"Do you think they'll see us?" asked Ken as they walked around the booth and towards the backstage door.

"Probably not if we go reallyyyy fast," Felix said with a shrug.

Mark was at the front of them all and was almost at the door when someone from the line yelled, "OH MY GOD LOOK ITS PEWDIEPIE!!"

"Go go go quick!" Mark said as he opened the door and let the other three rush in.

People from the line started yelling and cheering at all of them, so Mark turned to quickly wave at the crowd before following his friends through the door.

When the door shut it cut of the bellowing chants of the fans outside and pulled the four into a more quiet mumble inside the backstage room.

"Jeez where's the security guy when you need him," Felix said with relief.

"Dunno," said Jack as he looked around the room to see who else was there. He saw a couple other revelmode members talking to eachother, and a bunch of stage crew.

"Good, we aren't too early," Jack said happily while pointing to the others. "Let's go say hi," Ken said, looking over at Mark as he and Felix started to walk towards Pj and Dodger.

Mark glanced over at Jack, shrugged, and said, "You wanna go?" Jack smiled and replied, "Sure," even though he only really wanted to talk to Mark.

"How long has it been since you've seen Pj?" Jack asked Mark as they started to follow behind Ken and Felix.

"Not since the last PAX I don't think," Mark replied, "but didn't he and Felix start hanging out more?"

"Well yah, they made some videos together and everything," said Jack, "I mean they live near each other so it's convenient."

"Lucky them," Mark said quietly as he looked down at the floor. Jack heard how empty Mark's words sounded, as if there was something Mark was missing.

Jack patted Mark's shoulder as he sarcastically said, "Its okay buddy, you can hang out with Pj as much as you want while you're here."

Mark giggled and said, "That's not what I meant Jack."

Jack chuckled, and looked away from Mark to notice that they had traveled almost all the way across the room and were almost at Pj and Dodger.

"Hi guys!" Ken said positively as he stepped up to them and waved. Dodger looked over at them, smiled, and said, "Oh hi Ken! Hi everybody." Pj smiled too and said, "Hey! You all ready to embarrass yourselves endlessly on stage?"

"Don't remind me," said Felix, "and thank you Ken, so much, for choosing like the worst game to play in front of so many people..."

"oh come on it'll be fun," Dodger encouraged. "Probably we'll learn a lot about each other too," Jack added.

"Is that really something we want?" joked Felix. "We'll just have to find out," said Mark.

~all six of them continued to talk for about fifteen minutes until the sound crew said it was time to set up their microphones~

"Just try not to mess with it too much okay?" said the sound crew member. "Alright thank you," Jack said as he clipped the battery pack to his belt.

He could feel the all the thin wires running up his shirt to the tiny microphone resting around his ear.

"Hey Jack," Mark said as he walked up to Jack, "I'm so glad they made you even louder."

Something about Mark choosing to walking up to him first made Jack happy. "Yah, I'm pretty sure it wasn't necessary," Jack replied.

Mark crossed his arms, "You know I'm pretty loud too, why do you get to be the loud one?" Mark asked, "it's not fair."

"Because you aren't Irish Mark," Jack joked, "it's all in the Irish." Mark rolled his eyes and giggled, then looked right at Jack.

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