{9}346 & 347

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Jack was walking past the many terminals, on his way to the shuttles.

He felt the buzz of a text in his pocket, and while still walking he pulled his phone from his pocket.

It was Mark's, it read: "Jack you're here! Wanna meet up with me, Amy, Felix, and Marzia when you're all set up?"

"Ooo yah sounds fun, I'll put my stuff at the hotel then we should get soosh for lunch! But what about Ken and Mary?" Replied Jack

"They don't get in until later today. Hell yes on the sushi, see you soon at the Westin" said Mark.

Jack smiled and turned off his phone as he arrived at his shuttle stop.

~time skip to when Jack is getting to the Westin~

Jack rolled his suitcase with him while he walked to the doors of the shuttle. The wheels clicked as they hit the pavement and he started to move towards the hotel.

He made it to the large glass doors and pushed them open. Jack didn't see anyone he recognized in the lobby, so he walked straight towards the front desk.

Seeing as it was almost the middle of the day there wasn't any line for now. "Hello sir," the woman said blandly from behind the desk.

"Hi, I should have a reservation under Sean McLoughlin?" "Okay, let me search you up. Are you here with PAX?" "Yah, I am actually."

"Alright here we are. Sean McLoughlin... here's your key for room 346," said the clerk as she pulled out a room card and handed it to Jack.

"Room 346," repeated Jack as he took out his wallet. "Thank you, have a nice day," said Jack as he pushed the card in his wallet and back into his pocket.

He grabbed the handle of his bag and started walking towards the elevators while holding tight.

He heard the chatter and mumbles from people around him as his shoes tapped on the smooth marble floor.

He reached the elevators and clicked the 'up' button, and while he waited, he got his phone out again. He opened Mark's messages and typed in "I'm in room 346, where are you?"

After a second Mark replied with, "347!! I guess they put us next to each other, Amy and I are still in our room, tell me when you're up here mkay?"

"Sure thing, I'm heading up now, I'll be there soon!" replied Jack just as the elevator made it to the main floor, ready to bring him up.

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