{27}It Begins

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"Okay, everyone, my name's Tara, I'll be making sure you all get out there at the right times," said the backstage woman as everyone nodded.

"Follow me," Tara said as she started to walk towards the side of the stage area. All of the members followed behind Tara, everyone mumbling to each other about this and that.

"As soon as you're about to walk out there remember to turn on your microphone okay? It's the little switch on the battery pack," Tara confirmed to everyone.

They were now at the edge of the curtain, and had a side view of the stage. Jack could see a semicircle of chairs and stools facing the audience with a low table in the middle.

Pop music was playing for the audience before the panel began, and the roar of a couple thousand people talking at once was pretty overbearing.

Jack drew in a sharp breath and looked nervously at Mark who returned the look. "This is it," Mark said as the music started to quiet, as well as the many people.

The lights shifted from the seats to the stage, preparing for the start. Jack could hear upbeat wordless music begin to play as the voice of an announcer introduced, "CinnamonToastKen!"

Tara made sure he was upfront and had turned his microphone on, then Ken started to walk out, waving and smiling at the cheering audience.

"Hi everybody!" He said happily as he took a seat on the stool in the middle. He looked back at the other members as the announcer began talking again.

Next to be introduced was Dodger, then Jack as jacksepticeye. Jack raised his eyebrows at Mark, then he started to walk out, flipping the  tiny switch on his microphone before appearing on stage.

Jack stepped into view waving to the audience on his way to sit next to Ken on a stool.

The others were introduced, Jelly, Emma Blackery, PewDiePie, Kwebbelkop, Markiplier, and Kick the Pj.

Mark had sat down on Jack's right, a few seats to the side.

As Pj finally sat down, the music started to fade out. Ken looked out at all the people watching and said, "Hello! Welcome everyone to the official PAX west revelmode panel!"

Cheers and clapping erupted from the audience, "Heyyyy," said Felix as they started to quiet.

"Alright, we have a fun show for you guys today, we're gonna play a game that is known for being very popular among teenaged girls," Ken said chuckling at himself, "truth or dare!"

There was more cheering, then Emma sarcastically said, "We're grown adults, I promise."

"So, same as before, we're going to need you guys to tell us if, and inevitably when, we curse on this panel," Ken continued, "it's not really allowed here, so... we have a swear jar, over there!" Ken gestured towards a plastic jug near the edge of the stage, "there's a stack of 'money' for everyone on the table, if you slip up, feed the jar."

Everybody reached for their little pile of dollar sized papers. Jack picked his up and flicked through them. "These are lil fifties!" said Jack as he looked back up.

"What? Why do you have fifties? I have fives!" Brooke{Dodger} said, laughing.

"I got tens," said Pj, and Mark added, "I only have tens too."

"We all have different currencies, what is this?" Asked Brooke.  "It's favoritism!" replied Jordi{Kwebbelkop}.

Ken laughed and hurriedly said, "Anyway! For truth of dare, we're going to have to sign this." Ken held up a piece of paper that had "All the dares will be done, and all the truths will be true." printed largely on the top of it.

"This is to make sure we aren't all lying," Ken continued.

"We wouldn't lie to you guys," said Jelle{Jelly} "Well at least now we can't," added Felix.

Ken put the paper back on the paper and pointed to some pens next to it on the table.

"Okay guys, let's sign," Ken said as he picked up a pen and clicked it open.

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