{25}The Audience

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Jack could tell Mark was about to say something, but as he was about to, his phone buzzed.

"Ugh, hang on a sec," Mark mumbled as he pulled it out to check why.

Jack could see he was texting someone, but he couldn't see who. A wave of jealousy came over Jack, but he tried to act like he didn't care.

Mark clicked off his phone and shoved it back in his pocket. Then he looked back up at Jack and said, "Amy and the girls met up with Bob and everybody," Mark waved his hand around when he said everybody, "They'll all be around front row for the panel."

Jack smiled softly and replied, "oh nice, they get a great view of us fucking up our whole lives,"

"shush, it won't be so bad! It's all just fun and games."

"But what if they tell me to jump off a bridge! I would legally have to do it!"

Mark raised his eyebrow and said, "You realize that contract isn't a real contract right?"

"B- but it's basically the same thing..."

"Jack. You don't have to do anything you don't want to," Mark said staring right into Jack's eyes.

"...Mark you- you sound super serious," Jack said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh uh.. sorry," Mark said as he scratched the back of his neck, "I didn't mean to..."

Mark glanced at the curtained area off to the side of the room and said, "Do you want to see if they've let anybody in yet?"

Jack's smile returned and he replied, "Oh yah! Come on!" Jack started walking and grabbed the back of Mark's shirt as he went.

Mark stumbled, laughed, and said, "Woah hold on!" as he turned and followed along Jack.

"You're a little excited aren't you?" Mark said as they started walking. "Well, it's more a mix of nerve-racking fear and uncontrollable energy," said Jack. "Like you do," replied Mark.

They ignored the other people all around them and walked right up to the curtains together.

"Can we look out?" Jack asked quietly as he carefully rested his hand on the silky thick fabric of the curtains. "They won't stop us," Mark said as he reached out and gripped the fabric next to Jack's hand.

Jack felt his breath get heavier with every second Mark's hand was next to his. Jack gave his head a little shake and said, "Let's see," as they both pulled back the corner and Jack peered around the edge.

He could only see a couple people around the seats in the theatre, but none were sitting, they were just walking around inspecting the rows of chairs.

"They look official," Mark whispered as he stuck his head near Jack's to see around.

"Yah," Jack whispered back. Jack could feel Mark's breath on the back of his neck, he was right behind him. Right now, Jack was more nervous about having Mark so close than he was about the panel.

Jack realized he had closed his eyes instead of still looking at the seats for the audience, so he opened them again to see the first people walking quickly through the entrance.

The first person Jack saw walk in was Amy.

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