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Jack stared at the side of Mark's head, waiting for his reply.

"Because..." he finally said, "Because of you."


Mark lifted his face and looked to Jack as he said, "Yah."

"W- what about me?"

"Well... when I- " Mark's voice broke when he stared into Jack's sparkling blue eyes, "when I saw you again... it reminded me how much I-" Mark scrunched his brow and scoffed, turning his head back to the floor.

Jack was nervously squeezing his knees and holding his breath in anticipation.

"I love you," Mark said as he nervously looked back at Jack.

Jack sat there, shocked and unmoving, his eyes wide and staring at Mark.

Mark began to tear up again as he put his hands back on his face and turned away from Jack.

"Why do I even talk?" Mark said as he leaned away, starting to shake again.

Jack took a deep breath in, finally Mark's words soaking through his skin.

Mark didn't notice as Jack swiveled himself around so he was still to the side of Mark, but facing him. Jack criss-crossed his legs, reached out and gently put his left hand the far side of Mark's face.

Jack slowly pulled Mark's face towards his and looked deep into his soft brown eyes. Jack gently rubbed his thumb on Mark's cheek, wiping away any tears left there.

Mark's feet slid forward and his legs stretched out so they were straight on the ground in front of him. He moved his torso towards Jack, with a confused expression on his face.

Jack closed his eyes and before Mark could even object, Jack put his right hand on the other side of Mark's face and leaned his whole upper body forward and firmly planted a kiss on Mark's lips. Mark's eyes were still open, he didn't think that Jack would kiss him.

Mark wasn't shaking anymore, he was calm.

Mark began to kiss back and closed his eyes, wrapping his right hand around the back of Jack's head.

They didn't have a limit anymore, there wasn't anything or anyone to stop them.

Jack slipped his hands from the sides of Mark's face and loosely wrapped his arms around Mark's shoulders. Jack finally had him, he didn't want to let go.

Mark was gently grabbing some of Jack's hair with his right hand and was swirling it through his fingers.

Their lips were still pressed together, their heads tilted perfectly to the opposite sides so they could be as close as possible.

They both began to move their heads back from each other, their lips the last to pull away.

"I love you too, idiot," Jack said, a smile spreading across his face. Jack rested his forehead against Mark's, still holding him close.

Mark's smile grew bigger and he chuckled as he happily put his arms around Jack. He pulled Jack in for a hug, so Jack tightened his grip around him too.

Jack smiled even more when he felt a quick soft warm kiss on the side of his neck. Mark's head was resting on Jack's shoulder, facing Jack's neck.

Mark sighed, "...we should get back," He muttered sadly into Jack's shirt.

"Do we have to?"

"Mhmmmm," Mark hummed.

Mark slowly pushed himself up, but kept his hands on Jack, running them up the length of his arms until their hands met. Jack's heart skipped a beat as their fingers intertwined.

Mark giggled as he gave a little tug to get Jack up from his seat on the floor. Jack unraveled his legs from their crossed position and hopped up, to be level with Mark.

Their hands were still held together, and Jack couldn't be happier about it. His face was just inches from Mark's, Jack could feel his breath on his skin.

Jack smirked and swiveled himself around to face the door, letting Mark's right hand go, but holding tight to his left.

"Let's go then," Jack said as he took as step forward and tried to drag Mark along. Before he could take another, Mark forcefully pulled Jack back and turned Jack's body to face him.

Mark had a huge smile on his face as he quickly gave Jack another kiss, confirming everything that had just happened.

Jack giggled giddily while they were still together, but suddenly there was gasp, coming from the doorway.

Jack's heart dropped as they both whipped their heads around to look.

Felix stood in the doorway, his eyes wide in disbelief.

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