{18}First Day

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Now that he was alone, Jack decided to get ready for bed.

He rolled to the edge of his bed, and let his arm hang off the side. He laid there for a second, still thinking about Mark.

Soon he scooted himself around, stood up, and went to his suitcase and backpack.

Jack kneeled down and unzipped the backpack, pulled out his phone charger, and walked to the outlet next to his bed.

He plugged it in the wall and then pulled out his phone, checked the time (9:34) then plugged in it his phone. Then he walked over to the bathroom.

~Jack did stuff like brushing his teeth~

He came out of the bathroom in boxers, holding the rest of his clothes. Jack unzipped his suitcase and tossed the clothes into it, then crawled onto his bed.

He pulled back the clean sheets and slipped his body into the cool crisp blankets. Jack reached over to the bedside table and clicked the lamp off, soon the blanket warmed up and Jack felt safe and relaxed.

Because no more sleep would come, Jack laid in the dark, with many thoughts swimming around in his head.

He tried to avoid anything about Mark, for Mark's sake.

For many hours he stared into the darkness, waiting. Eventually sleep came to him.

~Jack's sleep lasted for only four hours~

His eyes shot open, and his breath was heavy. Jack was in a cold sweat, just waking up from a stressful dream.

He tugged the blanket from its snug grip around his body, and got out of the bed. He walked drowsily over to the bathroom and tried to remember what got him so scared.

He stepped in front of the sink and turned on the cold water, running his hands under it. Jack leaned over the sink and splashed water on his face, which woke him up a bit.

This led to him remembering some small broken pieces of what that dream was about, it definitely wasn't anything good.

Jack vaguely remembered Mark in his dream, and that Mark didn't like him anymore, for a reason that was out of Jack's grasp...
"Whatever, it doesn't actually matter," Jack thought as he gave up trying to remember.

He glanced at the wall clock, it was only 7:03, and the panel is at 10. "Well... I have plenty of time to get breakfast, I mean I didn't eat any dinner yesterday," he thought. He finally realized he hadn't eaten since lunch the day before. "Fuuuck I need food," Jack said aloud as he rushed out the bathroom door.

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