{38}Get Back

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"We should really be going to the westin then Pj," Felix said, "you wanna come until it starts?"

"Nah I might actually go join the girls, you guys have fun though," Pj said as he pointed in the direction of the introduction, "I'll see you all later!"

"Bye Pj, great seeing ya!" Jack waved goodbye as he went on his way.

They all began to walk towards the exit of the center, (Jack walking in the middle with Felix and Mark on each side) and as soon as Pj was out of earshot Felix basically squealed and loudly said, "SO LIKE.. WHAT??!"

Mark didn't look up from the ground but Jack just laughed.

"Are you guys like... a thing now???" Felix asked excitedly.

"I mean it's a little soon to say that," Jack said for Mark who just nodded in agreement to Jack. Mark was clearly embarrassed, he was blushing pretty hard.

"It's still none of my business.... but... what about Amy?" Felix said, filled with super annoying curiosity.

"We're done," Mark confirmed immediately.

"There's a pretty good reason too," Jack said as he poked Mark who turned even more red.

"Just tell him," Mark mumbled quietly, starting to smile.

"He loooves me," Jack whispered quickly to Felix, Mark giggled and said, "you love me too asshat."

Jack smiled and put his hand on Mark's shoulder as he said, "That's true."

Felix's smile was growing unendingly as he said, "Doesn't that- don't you think you can call yourselves a couple if you're already saying that?"

"Well it just doesn't seem right, I mean, I just went through a breakup.... half an hour ago."

Jack nodded and crossed his arms.

"But honestly, it's been a long time coming," Mark said a little more seriously, "I don't feel like that was ever even a real relationship. That's my fault, I know I shouldn't of put her through that, I just couldn't admit to myself until pretty recently... that I'm gay."

"Well Mark, I know now... even if I wasn't supposed to. And you see? Everything's fine! I think it's great you guys are.... together?" Felix continually made them both more embarrassed by the second, "By the way I don't think I ever apologized for barging in, so... I'm really really sorry about that..."

"It's alright, I mean we were about to leave," said Jack, "honestly I'm sorta glad you found out," said Jack. "Yah... it's oddly nice to have someone else know.." Mark said shyly as he looked to his side at Jack.

Felix didn't stop smiling and said, "I'm proud to know. Also can I just say... Septiplier... guys... come on? You- you're making so many people's dreams come true.."

Mark started to blush again. "Yah, well, I dunno if they're gonna get to know anytime soon..." Jack said to Felix, then he leaned to Mark and said, "but whenever you're ready, I'm ready."

Mark smiled a bit, but Jack knew the thought of telling the fans scared him, or just telling anyone scared him.

At this point they had made it to the exit of the convention center, and Jack was pushing open one of the many glass doors. "Why do I have to open all the doors?" Jack complained as Mark and Felix walked through the door he was holding for them.

Felix chuckled and said, "I would but, uh, I'm too weak, you know... my noodle arms.." Mark and Jack giggled at that.

Marzia was standing in the first room between the sets of doors. "Hello!" She saw them and waved while walking over, "We're going back to the Westin right? I- I tried to text you guys but the connection here is terrible! I was going to go back with Amy but I don't know where she went... and I think Mary and Ken are already back? I feel so disconnected without my phone functioning.. I jus-" "Woah, Marzia it's okay! I'm sure we'll find everyone at the hotel," Felix said calmly to her, then he looked over at Mark, wondering about Amy.

Mark shrugged to Felix and said in agreement, "Yah, let's just find a cab and get there.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I just didn't know where anybody was for a while, I'm so glad I spotted you," continued Marzia.

~they went outside and hailed a cab~

Jack and Mark hopped in the back seats, Felix and Marzia in the middle two... and the driver was all alone up front... driving...... anyway;

"Do you think we'll be late?" Jack asked worriedly.

"No way, it's barely a five minute drive, and we'll be in the room probably in a few minutes too... so actually ten minutes before, that's pretty good," Felix shrugged.

"I just hope Ken's already there or at least close, 'cause he didn't leave too long before us," said Mark.

"Well he's the responsible one, you don't have to worry about him," said Marzia.

"That's what Pj said, why does everyone think we're so immature?" asked Felix.

Marzia smiled and flicked Felix's shoulder saying, "because you are, all of you."

Jack and Mark glanced at each other, both sorta nodding and shrugging.

"Well we do keep almost being late to stuff," said Jack, "so yah, must be true."

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