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 The prologue and first two chapters of this story intertwine with the last two chapters and epilogue, (covering, roughly, the last two weeks of term), of my sixth year story ‘What Goes Around…Comes Around…Lost And Found…Love’.  If you have not read it, you had better go through it quickly, or none of this story will make any sense.

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 Anna’s year at Hogwarts is ending, in a most peculiar way; Secret keepers, hiding places, changes of attitude and loyalty.  New lives, old memories, shifting priorities and deadly miscalculations are coming to light in the bright summer sunshine.



Draco and Narcissa exchange letters and bits of news. Gwen, Narcissa and Dobby say good-bye to the ‘Little Lodge’ and begin their journey.


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                                                Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

                                                                       Slytherin House


Dear Mother,

 I have had a talk with Headmaster Dumbledore and he says that I am welcome to stay at Hogwarts over the summer holiday, as it would be “roughing it”, to say the least, at home.   YOU can cook; I cannot and I would probably starve to death in a week! HA! HA!  Plus, I don’t half fancy ‘Apparating’ to the local pub every time my stomach growls. 

I am also not in the mood to spend any more time with Gregory or Vincent, even though I am sure their mothers wouldn’t mind if I stayed at either of their homes.   I see enough of those two at school! Again, HA! HA!

I will keep in touch and let you know what I have been doing as the time goes by.  Speaking of which, how are you doing?  Has your morning sickness stopped?  I hope so.  Madame Pomfrey said to remind you about the old “crackers on the night stand” trick.  She said you would understand.

 It is time for dinner and then I have to study for exams.  It is hard to believe the term is almost over.  Hope to hear from you soon, but do not rush with a return owl.  Enjoy this nice spring weather we’re having and get outside for a bit for some fresh air.  ( I sound like Longbottom’s Gran fussing, don’t I? HA! HA! HA! )

Your loving son,







Dearest Draco,

I am so pleased you have finalized your plans for the summer.  I am sure you will find plenty to do over the holiday, as I know that Hogwarts is busy at all times of the year.  In addition, an extra pair of hands are always welcome, no matter how small the task. 

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن