Chapter 11 ; Disagreements, discoveries and destinations

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Chapter 11 :  Disagreements, discoveries and destinations

Fred and George are notified of what happened, Alice and Frank have visitors and Luna and Neville have a parting of the ways.  Draco and Harry hatch a plot, while Severus is summoned.  Neville takes a ride on the Underground and finds a friend and makes a change of plans.

 Chapter 11 :  Disagreements, discoveries and destinations

 After phoning Justin Finch-Fletchley, Colin and Dennis Creevey and Dean Thomas, Hermione and Tonks had Flooed to the Ministry to use the Auror office owls to alert other members of the D.A. as to what had happened at The Burrow.  Those they contacted would know to pass the word around to their D.A. housemates.

Returning to St. Mungo’s, after leaving a message for Percy Weasley, who was in a meeting; they hurried back to the waiting area.  Only a few minutes before, Neville and Luna had brought two trays down from the tearoom, loaded with sandwiches and cups of juice.  Hermione was glad to see both Ron and Ginny were eating.  She picked up a sandwich half and took a bite, washing it down with a gulp of juice.

“Any word yet?” Tonks asked, reaching for a cup of juice.

“Dad was out here, for just a minute.  He said Bill’s resting comfortably and that they’re working on his wounds.”

 “We left word for Percy.  He was in a meeting and ‘couldn’t be disturbed’, according to the secretary.  Even when we said it was a family emergency!  She asked if we were family and when we said no, she said she would get word to him as soon as she could. Then the fat lump just sat there and looked at us.  I asked her for her definitions of ‘soon’ and ‘emergency’ and she got all huffy, so we left.  Stupid hag,” Tonks related.

 “Percy will skin her alive when he finds out!  I know he’s busy, but he’d want to be here!” Ron exclaimed. 

Hermione tried to sooth Ron’s indignation. “He’ll come as soon as he DOES hear, you know he will.”

Before the words were completely out of her mouth, Percy came hurrying around the corner.

“Told you!” Hermione smiled.

“Did you kill her, Percy?” Ginny asked.

“No, but she’ll not be sitting at THAT desk any longer!  I’ll see to it, personally!”

 "Whoa! We’ve got a lot of room to talk, what about Fred and George?” Neville asked.

“Bloody Hell!”  Ron jumped up. 

 Ginny clamped a hand over her mouth and Hermione squeaked, “Oh, no, you didn’t send word yet?!?”

 “I’ll go!” Neville volunteered. “You all stay here.”

 “Are you sure you don’t mind, Neville?” Ginny asked.

 “No, it’s no trouble; makes me feel like I’m doing something to help.”

 “I’ll go with you, Neville.  Suppose I should tell Dad what’s been happening,” Luna added, swinging her backpack slowly, back and forth.

 “Okay, then, we’ll see you in a bit.” Neville took hold of Luna’s elbow and steered her down the hall.

 “Thanks Neville.”  Ron waved.

 Neville smiled and waved back.


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