Chapter 33 : In the still of the night . . .

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Chapter 33 : In the still of the night…

Ever watch something wobbling on the edge of a table, and you know it’s going to fall off?  Well, this is THAT kind of chapter. “Oh no, not again.” HE!HE!HE!

 Chapter 33 : In the still of the night…

 Gwen and Draco led Anna, Theo, Arthur and Percy silently across the lawn to Hagrid’s hut.  Fang greeted them with a single bark, circling through the group, welcoming each one.  Hagrid was sitting on the steps, spyglass in his hand.

“Seen any movement, yet, Hagrid?” inquired Anna.

 “Naw, nothin’ yet.  This spyglass your boys made certainly does the job, tho’, Arthur.  Can see as clear as day and I can spot things movin’ in the woods: birds and rabbits and such.  Watched an owl huntin’ earlier, just there.”  Hagrid pointed toward the edge of the trees, overlooking the lawn that stretched toward the Quidditch pitch.

 “May I?”  Arthur held out his hand, eager to see what his inventive sons had made.

 “Sure, have a go, then.”  Hagrid gave the ‘Owl Eyes’/night vision spyglass to the proud father.

 “Let’s go and get ready.”  Draco nudged Gwen, who was greeting Fang.

 “Oh, right.  Anna, don’t forget to give Hagrid his ‘Felix’ doses and Grawp, also.”

 “Got it covered.  Good luck and hang on tight.”  Anna gave her stepdaughter a hug.

 “I won’t drop her, Anna, don’t worry,” Draco assured her, as he gave Anna a hug.

 “You . . . . drop me?  I don’t think so, honey.”  Gwen linked her arm in Draco’s as they headed for the paddock.  “Although . . . . having to put my arm around the waist of a young, handsome, rich wizard is a bit of a good perk to this job, I must admit.”

 “Oh, now I’m a ‘perk’, am I?  Nice.”

 “Don’t like that title . . . . umm, how about . . . . Boy-toy?”

 “What!  I’m telling Remus you said that!”

 “I’ll deny it.”

 “I bet you would!”

 “I know better than to anger my werewolf un-necessarily. Crazy Muggle I may be, but foolish I am not!”

 “Too right!”

 They had reached the paddock fence.  Buckbeak was walking toward them but stopped and cocked his head.

 “Evening, Buckbeak.”  “Hello, Beaky.”

 Draco and Gwen both bowed, waiting for Buckbeak to return their greeting.  After cocking his head the other way, Buckbeak bowed.  Opening the gate and approaching the beautiful animal, Draco started to explain their unusual appearance.

 “I know we look strange, Beaky, but it’s to help us not be seen tonight, especially with our blond hair.”

 Buckbeak snorted and nodded his head.  Gwen patted the hippogriff on the neck.

 “We must look positively ridiculous to him,” she remarked, with a giggle. 

 “Apparently,” replied Draco, watching Buckbeak shake his head.  “Well, let’s get mounted and take a look around.”


 Severus and Flitwick parted ways at the inner courtyard, each heading for their respective lookout positions at the places where the Inferi could emerge from the lake to try and enter Hogwarts. Severus’ group was heading for the bridge spanning the ravine, leading to the stone circle. From there they could see the lawn that sloped down to the lakefront on the backside of the castle.  Flitwick and his group headed for the stone terrace overlooking the crooked, long flight of stairs that lead to the boathouse.  Fred and Katie went with Severus, while George and Angelina were assigned to Flitwick’s group.  All of them had ‘Disillusioned ’ themselves before leaving the building, in case any Death Eaters were keeping watch, from afar, for any movement around the castle.

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