Chapter 38 : Redemption and resurrection

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Chapter 38 : Redemption and resurrection

A wizard’s debt is repaid and “the dead shall arise, more than one.” …this is the chapter with the final battle, I promise.  And later that morning…

Chapter 38 : Redemption and resurrection.

Harry was watching the body of Voldemort, as it hung motionless.  Everyone else was looking back and forth at each other in stunned amazement.

“That’s itThat’s how Voldemort dies?  Killed by the remains of that bloody great, dead snake he used against the school?”  Ron asked, incredulously.

 “DON’T ANYONE MOVE!” Harry shouted. “He’s not dead.”

 Everyone froze, wands pointed at Voldemort’s body.  Peter Pettigrew took a step towards the figure lying impaled, crookedly, on the three-foot long fang.

 “Master?” he whispered.  He saw Voldemort’s hand tighten on his wand. “Harry, look out!”

Wormtail threw himself on the hand holding the wand just as Voldemort raised up and screamed, “AVADA  KEDAVRA!”

 A flash of green light enveloped Peter and he fell, dead, across his Master’s chest and legs.  Voldemort struggled against the weight.  “Expelliarmus!”   Wormtail’s body flew into the air and Harry ducked sideways to avoid being hit.

 “Avada Kedavra!” bellowed Voldemort.

 “Avada Kedavra!” yelled Harry.

 The two spells met, as they had in the graveyard, but this time Harry was ready for what would happen. He concentrated; on his parents, Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Anna, Gwen, Remus, Severus, Neville, Luna, Tonks and Draco . . . . all of his friends.  He focused on how much he loved them with every thread of being, his heart and soul.

Voldemort was livid with rage.  He struggled to stand and with an almighty crack the fang broke, as had its twin in Harry’s arm five years earlier.  He stood, the white, broken off fang sticking out of his back, holding his wand rigidly, fighting the vibrations of the ‘Priori Incantatum’.

Harry and Voldemort were now grasping their wands with both hands and then the golden cage started to form.  It was as before; no one could interfere, but this time it was the Parkinsons and the Malfoy solicitors who emerged from the light.  They looked at Harry, then at Voldemort.  Mrs. Parkinson floated over to Harry and whispered in his ear.  He nodded and then glanced at her and smiled.

The wispy figures were circling Voldemort, jeering him.  Harry could vaguely hear the watching crowd of his friends outside the golden mesh yelling encouragement and love.  His heart warmed with thoughts of them and the ball of light slid, ever so slowly, toward Voldemort.  He was staggering from the effects of the fang’s venom working its way through his body and the sheer effort of trying to push the ball of light back toward Harry . . . . . it wasn’t working.  Inch by inch the light was getting closer . . . . it was almost to him . . . . his eyes widened with terror.

 Then . . . . . it touched his wand and there was a blindingly brilliant burst of green and gold light.  The cage exploded in a shower of sparks with such force that everyone in The Chamber was knocked off their feet and momentarily stunned.  Draco and Neville were the first to shake their heads and sit up.  Looking around they spotted each other and then they both turned to where Harry had been standing.

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