Chapter 12 : "What I did on my summer holiday."

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Chapter 12 : “What I did on my summer holiday.”

The weather isn’t the only thing that’s bad; Severus has one lousy day.  Draco and Harry work well together, under adverse circumstances and Gwen doubles Anna’s burden.  Which isn’t, necessarily, a bad thing, come to that.


Chapter 12 : “What I did on my summer holiday”

“Ah, Severus.  Do come in.”

Voldemort looked down at the Wizard who entered and knelt before him.

“My, my, you’ve had an unusual summer, haven’t you?  Funerals to attend, students underfoot and now it is nearly time for term to start again.  Busy, busy, busy.”

Severus did not move or answer.  Voldemort cocked his head.

“What . . . . no scathing comments . . . . no sarcastic remarks?  Are you feeling quite well, Severus?”

“I’m in good health; thank you for your concern, Master.  I was just indulging in a little daydreaming about which of those students I should like to strangle first; Malfoy or Potter.”

“Really?    A perplexing problem . . . . perhaps I could help with your decision?”

“It was just a bit of fantasizing, Master, as I know Potter is your own personal property to destroy.  I will, however, be able to content myself with Malfoy.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to discuss that with his Aunt Bella, who, I believe, has already formulated plans for his punishment and demise.”

“I see . . .  although not unexpected, as I know Bella must be furious with him . . . . And his mother.  Well, perhaps Longbottom, then; an equally annoying thorn in my side.”

“Indeed, the last of the Longbottoms.  We’ll take care of the lot, then, when the time is right.”

 Voldemort rose from his chair and began pacing the room.


“What would you have me do for you, Master?” Severus asked, deciding to get to the heart of the matter.

“Actually, this does have something to do with Draco, although you won’t be directly involved.  I want you to be of assistance to young Crabbe and Goyle when they return to Hogwarts.  I have a promise from them to do as much harm to Draco as they can manage, without killing him, of course, and then they are to return to me for their reward.”

Severus’ eyebrow went up.

 “You, Severus, are to make sure they get out of Hogwarts and safely through the gates.  If they are detained, they would face expulsion – no great punishment in my estimation – but, because they are of age, they would also be arrested and face criminal charges.  They would be put in Azkaban with their worthless, idiot fathers.  That . . . I will not tolerate. Do you understand, Severus?”

 “Yes, Master.  I will see to their escape, personally escorting them if necessary.  I can always say I was . . . . chasing them, but being younger, swifter . . . . they might just manage to out run me . . . . with a little head start.”

 Voldemort chuckled, but it was a mirthless sound.

 “When will they attack, Master?  The first night they return would not be prudent, if you do not mind my being so bold as to offer my opinion.  Draco will be suspicious of them and very wary.  Perhaps they should bide their time, lull him into a false sense of security.”

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें