Chapter 31 : Final moves, lucky breaks, last minute changes

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Chapter 31 : Final moves, lucky breaks, last minute changes

 Anna and friends ‘make a break’ for Hogwarts.  Everything is not what is seems and last minute surprises call for quick thinking.  Is everyone ready?  Let’s hope so.

Chapter 31 : Final moves, lucky breaks, last minute changes.

 Fred and George Weasley arrived at Hogwarts via the Knight Bus, bringing the last of their inventions and defense equipment.  Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson were with them, because, in Katie’s words, “If you two think you’re haring off to Hogwarts without us, you are sadly mistaken!  We’re D.A.s too, remember!”

 Bill and Fleur were coming on the Express, which was going to make its usual run at the end of the holiday.  A few of the D.A. had opted to use their BritRail passes and then ‘Apparate’ to the gates from the nearest Muggle station, in time to greet the Hogwarts train.  The Ministry was sending Aurors on the ride north, to guard the returning students, but about a third of the students, mostly younger ones, were being kept home by their anxious parents, at least until the school was proved safe.

 Silvia and Daphne noticed that Millicent and Tracie were being very quiet on the ride.

 “What’s wrong, Millie?  You look so worried,” Silvia asked gently. “Didn’t you get to see Gregory over the holiday?  I thought you two had a date.”

 “No, I didn’t get to see him,” Millicent sighed, then looked at Tracie.  “Did you see Vincent?”

 “No.  I did get an owl, though.”

 “Me, too.”

 “Are they all right?” inquired Daphne.

 “I suppose.  He apologized for not being able to meet me as we had planned; said he was ‘busy’ and couldn’t get away.”

 “Oh.  I am sorry.  I know you two were looking forward to seeing them.  At least they can owl and let you know they’re alright.”  Daphne patted Tracie’s arm.

 “Yes, that’s better than not hearing at all, I suppose,” sighed Tracie.

 “What do you say we go and check on the younger kids?”  Daphne suggested.

 “Yes; see how their holidays went.”  Silvia smiled.

 “No, thanks.  I think I’ll just stay here.  I’m not in a very ‘cheery’ mood.”  Tracie slumped back against the seat cushion.

 “Me, either; sorry,” Millie added.

 “That’s fine.  We understand,” replied Silvia, as she stood up.

 “We’ll be back in a bit.  Want anything off the trolley?”

 “No, thanks.” 

“Not right now, thanks.”

 The two girls left, closing the compartment door behind them.  Millie slid over and checked to see how far away they had gone and then turned to Tracie, smiling.

 “They believed us!”

 “Vincent said they would; bleeding heart, blood traitors bitches.  They’ll regret the day they went to that D.A. meeting!”

 “And we’ll be rewarded for helping Gregory and Vincent when the Dark Lord conquers Hogwarts and kills Harry Potter!”

 “And Dumbledore.”

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