Chapter 16 : I'm not as think as you drunk I am! . . . and other news

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Chapter 16 : I’m not as think as you drunk I am! . . . and other news

Draco plays his part to perfection, and learns something that might help.  The morning after the night beforenot so loud!  It’s time for some strategy and planning, for Draco’s sake. This might hurt a bit. It’s midnight, do you know where your house elf is?

Chapter 16 : I’m not as think as you drunk I am . . . . and other news.

 “I still think, Draco, old man, that you made a big mistake.  The Dark Lord is not happy with you.” Vincent wagged his finger at Draco, then, seemingly fascinated by the dexterity of the digit – as opposed to the rest of his body – sat watching it for a few seconds before he tried to focus again on Draco.

 Draco stood up and weaving ever so slightly, went over to the drinks cabinet and poured the last of yet another bottle into his tumbler.  Flinging the bottle into the fireplace, he turned to face his friends, lying sprawled on the sofas and chairs. Daphne was curled up in Blaise’s lap, sound asleep and Blaise’s head was laid back on the chair, his eyes fighting to stay open.  That battle would be lost, momentarily. 

Millicent and Silvia had wandered off to the girl’s dorm earlier, supposedly to check on Tracey, who had excused herself, saying she did not feel too well.  Her coloring had been a strange shade of green, so no one had tried to dissuade her.  None of that trio had returned.  Vincent and Theo occupied one of the sofas, while Draco sat down on the one opposite, next to Gregory.

 “Look,” started Draco, heaving a sigh and rubbing his eyes with his hand.  “I’ve had one lousy year so far.  Let’s see: my Father escapes from Azkaban, tries to kidnap Twigg-Jones to impress his ‘Lordship’, screws that up and gets himself killed and lands your fathers back in Azkaban, BUT!” He put up a finger for emphasis. “Not before he beats Mother to a bloody pulp because he got her pregnant?!?!.”  He started to take a sip, but continued before he drank any of the liquor in his tumbler.  “Then, my dear, sweet Aunt Bella threatens my Mum, which forces her, my Mum that is, to go into hiding!  I have not seen her since last spring.   I am the head of my family now and have a lot of shit to deal with.  I am only concerned with MY future, at this point. And you think I’m going to let some self deluding, murdering maniac tell me what to do and drain my vault at Gringotts dry in the process?  HA!”

The three boys jumped a bit.

Take it easy, Draco, we understand, mate.”  Gregory patted him on the leg.

 “Yeah,” Vincent piped up. “We haven’t seen our dads since last spring.”

 “At least yours are alive and safe; as long as their asses stay in Azkaban,” Draco mumbled. “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to take it out on you.  Sorry.  It’s just . . . . ”  He gazed down into his tumbler, swirling the liquor around slowly. “Pansy did not deserve to die like that, just because she was my girlfriend.  Hell, I’ve been friends with all of you since before we came to Hogwarts.  Pansy and I only got serious in the last couple of years.  Frankly, I’m amazed you two are still alive!” He looked back and forth between Crabbe and Goyle. “No offense.”

“None taken.”  “It’s alright, we understand.”

 “Draco.”  Theo sat up, grabbing the arm of the sofa, “Whoa!”, to steady himself  “We nearly did die, when we heard about Pansy, didn’t we?”  Crabbe and Goyle nodded, soberly. “We didn’t know if we were next or what.  I was scared shitless!”

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora