Chapter 4: Expected news & unexpected sorrow

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 Chapter 4 : Expected news and unexpected sorrow

The morning papers are full of news, none of which is unexpected.  Voldemort turns his attention to punishing Draco, with a surprising twist.  Sudden shock and sorrow descend on Hogwarts.

 Chapter 4 :

Expected news and unexpected sorrow

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                                                                Wiltshire Weekly

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                                         Arson suspected as cause of local blaze.

 A four alarm fire, the towering flames of which could be seen for miles, consumed the old Malfoy Manor, an abandoned estate house located just north of the village of Dinton, late last night.  The entire property and the main building, especially, have been avoided by the locals for years, as it had a colorful local reputation of being haunted.

 “Been sitting there, empty, for as long as I can remember,” Local fire brigade member Charlie Stumps told this reporter.  “Bit of an eyesore, come to that, falling down and all.  Since it was fully engulfed in flames when we got there, the lads just contained it and made sure it was totally out, when it finally died down.  Let the younger fellows get in a bit of practice and all, so some good did come of it.”

 Arson is thought to have been the cause, although authorities have no suspects at this time.

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 “Bella.   I trust it all went well?”

“Yes, Master.  Malfoy Manor is a pile of ashes.  Even the foolish Muggles and their water pipes couldn’t stop the flames.”

 “Good.  Now we can get down to the business of punishing Draco.”

“But . . . that was why you sent me to set fire to the Manor; as punishment.”

“No, Bella, that was to allow you to vent your frustration about Draco’s betrayal of his heritage and denial of his destiny.  It was a treat for you, from me, for your unwavering devotion.  You see, I have a much more meaningful lesson planned for Draco.”

 “I don’t understand, Master . . . . it was their . . . . ”

“Bella, you must think things through . . . . Narcissa and Draco had it emptied of everything that had any value, and left the shell.  They did not care about the Manor at all.  Only Lucius seemed to take pride in it.  Now he has gotten his wish, to remain there always.  That was my own personal little treat, so to speak”

 “Yes, Master.”

 “It was expected, of course, and it all fits into my master plan, so do not fret.  Now we proceed with the next phase; showing Draco he’s not as safe as he thinks from my wrath.”

 “What are you going to do to Draco?”  Bella’s face took on a hungry look, which pleased the Dark Lord.  He could always count on Bella to relish pain, especially someone else’s.

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