Chapter 1 : Road trip

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 Chapter 1 : Road trip

Side trips, fast food, disguises, Goblins, a new home, watching eyes and Anna’s final instructions.  Goodness, what a busy two days.

Chapter 1 : Road trip


 “Humm?”  Gwen checked for traffic and pulled out onto the main street through the town.  “What?”

 “That man on the corner was staring at us.”

“Well, pregnancy and scarf not withstanding, Cissa, you’re a beautiful woman.”

 “No.  I mean he looked surprised to see me, almost.  Maybe he was a spy, a Death Eater looking for you.”


 Gwen did a quick check in the rear view mirror.  The man was still standing on the sidewalk, watching them drive away, a quizzical look on his face.

 “Well, there’s not much we can do, is there?  He can’t chase us on a broomstick in broad daylight or anything, can he?”

“No, but he canApparate’ ahead of us, up the road a bit and get a better look at us as we pass, maybe, if he is a spy.  Perhaps I’m just being paranoid.”

 “If he is looking for me, but thinks he recognizes you, the fact that you’re riding in a Muggle car would make him doubt his own eyes and sanity, don’t you think?”

“Possibly, but can we go a different way . . . lose him, somehow.”

Glancing out her window, Gwen smiled wickedly.  “HE! HE! HE! I’ve got a better idea.” 

 Gwen watched in the rear view mirror until the man was just out of sight and turned at the next corner.  Driving a few blocks, she then cut through a parking lot, drove through two alleyways, turned into another parking lot and pulled up behind a car.

 “Where are we?”  Cissa asked, looking around, trying to get her bearings.

 Driving forward when the car ahead of her moved up, Gwen grinned. “We’re about to hide for a few minutes, it’ll give us a chance to do a quick change.”

Narcissa looked out the windshield and her eyes got wide.

 “What is this place?”

 “Car wash; we’ll go in this end as a green Range Rover and come out as . . . Oh, let’s see.”  Looking around, she pointed. “How about . . . that small delivery van over there.  Think you can convert the outside of this car to look like that?”

 Narcissa swiveled to gaze at the vehicle Gwen was indicating.  She pushed up her sleeves and pulled out her wand.

 “Gwen, I love the way your mind works.”

 “And can you change our appearance a little too; say our hair color and clothes?”

 “Good thought.  Let’s see . . . ”

 As the Range Rover disappeared into the suds, shrieks of laughter were heard coming from the interior.  The attendant just shook his head.  When the gray van emerged at the other end, three minutes later, the boys doing the wipe-down never knew anything was different.  The red headed woman driving the van gave them a good tip and a dazzling smile as she drove off, the other woman, with the black hair and glasses, laughing heartily.


 “Okay, this is as close as I can get, Cissa, without being seen or heard.”  Gwen shut off the engine and turned to the witch sitting next to her.  “Are you sure you’ve remembered everything, because there’s no second chance on this; once it’s done and we leave here, there’s no coming back . . . for anything.”

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