Chapter 32 : And so it begins . . .

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Chapter 32 : And so it begins…

Playing Wizards chess takes skill, concentration, determination, and sacrifice…plus a bit of cunning and a dash of bravado.  That’s all well and good, but make it real, with living witches, wizards, house elves, giants, Inferi,  Dementors, ghosts, a Hippogriff and one gung-ho Muggle and…well….you’ll just have to watch and see who makes the first move!   Aren’t I a stinker?

Chapter 32 : And so it begins….

 The Slytherin common room was relatively empty Sunday evening when Narcissa walked in the door.  Scanning the area, she saw her son lounging in one of the black leather armchairs.  He was chatting with two of the younger members of the house about Quidditch, she surmised, as he was using two miniature broomsticks to demonstrate a tricky mid-air maneuver.

 “Getting ready for the Tournament?”

 “Oh, hello Mother!  Yes; just giving our future Quidditch team chasers a few pointers,” replied Draco, as he rose and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “This is Steven and this is Jillian, third years that are keen to try out next fall.”

 “Hello.”  “Hi.”

 “Good evening and good luck with your try-outs.”  Cissa bestowed a dazzling smile on the two students, who took their mini-brooms and went off, chattering excitedly about their chances.

“So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” Draco asked, eyebrow raised questioningly. 

 They were both aware that the few remaining students in the common room could hear every word they said.

 “I put Lyn down for the night and thought I’d take the opportunity to have a look around the old place.”

 “Has it changed much?”

“No, except for those new glasses you bought,” said Cissa, as she pointed to the cabinet by the fireplace.  “Very nice.”

“Do you want a drink, Mother?”

 “Not right now, thank you.  But I won’t turn one down when you all are celebrating your victory over Gryffindor this coming Saturday.”

 “Excellent!   I’m holding you to that; you WILL come down to the party!”  Draco wiggled his eyebrows at her.

 “Foolish boy, of course I’ll be here!”  She smiled at him, and then frowned thoughtfully.  “Do you think anyone would mind if I took a look at my old dorm room?”

 “I shouldn’t think so.”  Leaning close, he whispered, “Daphne’s ready.”  Then he pointed.  “Down that hallway, then take a left.”

 Cissa winked.  “Don’t be daft, Draco.  I’m not so ancient that I can’t remember the way!”  Laughing, she headed to the girls’ dorm rooms.


“I think our team has a very good chance of getting the Quidditch Cup back,” Silvia said, as she sat on her bed playing with her cat, who was jumping after a ball of yarn Silvia was flipping around with her wand.  “The game this Saturday will be the best of the year.”

 Millie and Tracie exchanged smirks but then they looked up and were surprised to see Draco’s mother standing in the doorway.

 “Good evening.  Just thought I would pop in and look at my old room.  You don’t mind the intrusion, do you?”

 “No.” “Of course not.”  “Come in Madam Malfoy.”

 “Black . . . . I’m using my maiden name, now, dear.”  Cissa smiled at Millie.  Looking around, she pointed to Pansy Parkinson’s bed.  “That’s where I slept.”

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin