Chapter 18 : Say the secret word . . . or . . . pick door number one?

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Chapter 18 : Say the secret word…or…pick door number one.

Gwen makes her presence know, and plans her Christmas surprise; surprise being the operative word.  “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas.”  Stop being stubborn, and that goes for both of you; kiss and make up.  Mistletoe optional.  Gwendolyn  Anastasia Malfoy meets the head of the family.


Chapter 18 ; Say the secret word…or…pick door number one?

“Cyrus?” Gwen whispered, trying to make as little noise as possible.

“Yes.  Is that you Gwen?”

 “Achoo! Damn, this old tapestry is dusty. Hi! Listen, Dad has talked, secretly, to Headmaster Everard, who has, of course, kept up with all of the intrigues going on over the years at Hogwarts, so he knows who we are, and, I’m pleased to tell you, I have the password.”

 “Excellent!  I know Headmaster Everarh would not reveal the password unless he trusted that person.”

“Well, Dad had to explain that another Muggle was involved, but apparently, that was alright, too.”

 “The story you’ve told me about how you came to this house was very enlightening and I’m very proud to be of help to you and Mistress Snape.”

 “Well, I don’t like all of this sneaking around, but I have to be sure this will work before I tell Anna and Cissa; I would hate to get their hopes up for nothing.”

“Understandable.  Well . . . . let’s do this in the time honored fashion, shall we?”

 “Definitely.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.”



 “Correct; you may enter, fair lady.”

 “Thank you, Cyrus.”

 “Oh, and I would thank you, also, for the oil on my hinges; that felt wonderful.”

 “I plan on giving you a good cleaning and waxing, too, once we can get you uncovered.”

 “Excellent.  Well, have a good visit.”

 “Thanks. Well, here goes.”


 The column of stone next to Fawkes’ perch cracked along its mortar joints and opened slowly.  Gwen stuck her head out and her eyes widened.

 “Sweet Mary, Mother of Pearl.  So this is Hogwarts,” breathed Gwen in a low voice.

 It was late at night and she did not want anyone to hear her, or disturb Headmaster Dumbledore.  Just a quick peek and back to the house, now that she knew the connection was still functional.

 She stepped out of the stone column and the door closed silently behind her, sealing the seams, totally hidden.  She looked to her left and noticed Fawkes, who cocked his head and blinked.  She stepped over to his perch.

 “You must be Fawkes,” she whispered.  “I’m Gwen, Christopher’s daughter.”

 Fawkes bowed his head in greeting.

 “You are gorgeous.”  Reaching out, she petted the regal bird.


 Turning, Gwen waved and then tiptoed over to the portrait on the wall.

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now