Chapter 10 : Don't Panic! Yet

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 Chapter 10 : Don’t Panic! Yet

The Floo connection to St. Mungo’s gets a lot of traffic from Ottery St. Catchpole.   Neville and Luna don’t panic, but do manage to put two and two together.  The word gets out, decisions are made and secrets are revealed.

Chapter 10 : Don’t panic! Yet

Two Death Eaters were holding Fleur, who was struggling wildly and another big Death Eater was bending over Molly Weasley, who lay on the brick terrace, cringing away from him, as he threw back his hood revealing his face.

 “FENRIR!” Bill gasped and instantly ‘Disapparated’, only to reappear directly behind the werewolf, jumping onto his back and wrestling him to the ground.  Molly screamed and rolled out of the way as the two men fought, knocking over the table and scattering the chairs.

Ron, Hermione and Ginny did not hesitate, but took aim with their slingshots, pelting the two Death Eaters holding Fleur, so that they started yelping and looking around, not understanding what was hitting them or where their attackers were hiding.

Fleur took advantage of their confusion and freed herself from their grasp, grabbed her wand and helped Molly to her feet.  She tried to aim at the huge man attacking Bill but the two Death Eaters who had held her pulled their wands out, so she and Molly had to defend themselves.

“I’m going to help.” Ron pulled his own wand and ‘Disapparated’.

“Ron!”  Hermione yelped, and then looking toward the Burrow, saw Ron emerge from the kitchen, behind the Death Eaters who were dueling with Fleur and his mom.

Realizing they were caught in crossfire, the Death Eaters glanced at each other and ‘Disapparated’.  Looking around cautiously, Ron advanced, and then ran forward to where Fenrir and Bill were rolling on the ground.  He shot a stunning spell that hit the werewolf, but it seemed to have little or no effect. 

 Fenrir looked over his shoulder at Ron, as Molly and Fleur also came toward him, wands out.  He roared in rage, turned and viciously slashed Bill; once, twice, three times, with his long yellow fingernails, slicing Bill’s face and neck, and then he bent and bit him on the neck.  Bill yelled out in pain and with a mighty effort, shoved the werewolf away.  Molly, Ron and Fleur shot multiple spells at Fenrir and finally blasted him off Bill.  Fenrir rolled over and ‘Disapparated’.

Molly and Fleur ran to Bill as Ron spun around, wand at the ready, keeping guard.  Ginny and Hermione came tearing across the yard and joined him, their wands out.

“We have to get Bill to St. Mungo’s!”  Molly looked up, terror in her eyes.

Bill! Bill!”  Fleur bent over him, her face close to his, trying to keep him conscious.

Hermione knelt on the other side of Bill and putting her hand on Fleur’s shoulder, she shook her gently.

Fleur!  Help me! Let’s get Bill onto a stretcher!  We have to get him to St. Mungo’s!”

 Her voice seemed to get through to the distraught girl.

 “Oui, oui, oh, mon ami, mon cheri.”  She clung to his hand as she stood.  Hermione conjured Bill onto a stretcher. 

 “Should we ‘Apparate’?”  Molly looked down at her wounded son.  “I don’t think I can concentrate properly.”

 “Use the Floo, Mum,” Ginny suggested, as she put her arm around her mother’s shoulder.

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