Chapter 30 : Good-byes and Hellos

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Chapter 30 : Good-byes and Hellos

 Surprises, quick thinking and family ‘secrets’ come into play, and the D.A. has only been at King’s Cross for five minutes!  It’s family reunion time, with more pleasant surprises. ‘Big Hug’

Chapter 30 : Good-byes and Hellos

The wind whipped at their hair and clothes.  Draco, Theo and Neville knew instantly what had happened.

“Grab your wand and be ready,” Neville yelled.  “Stun first, ask questions after.”

“I can’t believe my own mother…”

She was under an Imperious’ ,” shouted Draco, looking down.  “We’re starting to land.  When I say now, kick your feet down and bend your knees; keeps you from falling.”

The other two nodded, having pulled out their wands.

“Steady. . . . .Now!”

With a couple of grunts, they landed.  Spinning around, they saw three wizards with very surprised looks on their faces, two of whom Draco recognized instantly.





Petrificus Totalus!”

Accio wands!”

In seconds, Draco, Theo and Neville were looking at Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Theo’s father lying on the ground, bound and obviously astounded by what had just happened to them.  Their looks of silent, wide-eyed surprise turned to looks of anger and frustration as the boys began to walk over to where the three rested, unmoving and mute.

Neville pocketed the three wands and then bent and picked up the necklace and ring.  Handing it to Theo, he followed Draco to where Crabbe and Goyle lay, a little way across the grass.  Theo stepped toward his father.

“Hello boys!”  Draco smiled down.  “Surprise!  Bet you didn’t expect three of us, now, did you?  My, my, my, you two haven’t gotten any smarter, have you?  Well, you’re soon going to get a really good lesson in what the ‘Crucio’ spell feels like, as I imagine old Tom will be none too pleased to hear about this little cock-up of yours.”

“Now, Draco . . . . is that any way to speak to these two dangerous Death Eaters?”  Neville stood there, twirling his wand.

“No, I suppose not . . . . why, what did you have in mind?”


 “Hello Father.  Can’t stay and chat but do a favor for me, won’t you?  Tell your Master that Mother did as she was forced to do, and that I will see to her welfare, personally, from now on.  You are the only member of the Nott family he will ever hear calling him anything except Tom ‘Mudblood’ Riddle. You have made your choice and so have I.  Goodbye, Father.” 


“Oh, that’s just wrong, Neville!”  Draco was giggling.

“Yes, I know . . . . I couldn’t resist.”

Theo walked up beside them.

“We’ve got to get out of . . . . here . . . . ” He looked down and did a double take.  “Oh, Merlin, whatever possessed you, Neville?”

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