Chapter 20 : you were saying? two special Christmas presents and a Prophesy

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Chapter 20 : You were saying? Two special Christmas gifts and a Prophesy

 Now if everyone who does know can just keep their mouths shut…what am I saying?  And speaking of ‘saying’; what was that, Sybil?  Let’s take a trip down the rabbit hole, shall we?


 Chapter 20 : You were saying?  Two special Christmas gifts and a Prophesy

 “Here you are! We were starting to get worried . . . . ” Ginny walked in, shaking her head.

 "Annoyed . . . . ” Hermione growled.

“Right . . . . annoyed with you lot.”

 “What, may I ask, are you three doing up here?”  Hermione stood with arms crossed, regarding the boys, who lounged with their feet up on one of the chairs.

 “We’re kind of busy . . . . waiting.”  Draco informed her.

 “Waiting?  Here?  For what?”  Ginny was thoroughly confused.

 “For Lyn to wake up,” Draco answered, straight faced, although Harry was fighting not to grin and Ron had his head ducked, to stop from giggling.

 “Lyn?  Who’s Lyn?”  Hermione asked.

 “My daughter; Draco’s little sister,” replied Narcissa, stepping around the screen.

 “Draco! Your Mum!” yelped Ginny. 

 Hermione was gob-smacked and stood, mouth open, wide-eyed.

 Then Ginny turned to Draco. “So, this is why Professor Dumbledore needed you.”

 “Yeah, sort of.”

 “Good deduction, that, Ginny.”  Harry gasped, finally breaking down and laughing heartily, followed by Ron and Draco.

 “How in the world . . . . ” Hermione started questioning.

 “We’re here for a surprise visit, but Lyn’s taking a map, so shhhh, you lot!”  Narcissa warned them.

 “Where is she?”  Ginny came forward and peeked around the screen. “Oh, look!”

 That did it!  Hermione joined Ginny and along with Narcissa, stood watching the baby and asking questions.  Then ahhh’s and giggles alerted the boys to the fact that Lyn was awake.  Narcissa removed the screen and emerged with the baby. 

 Lyn spotted Draco and held out her arms to go to him.  He took her and held her high, causing her to squeal and laugh.  Then he brought her down into his arms to give her a hug and kiss.  Putting one arm around his Mother’s shoulder and grasping his baby sister in the other, he turned to his new friends.

 “This is what I’m willing to risk my life for, you lot; my sister Lyn, my mother . . . . my family.”

 “Here, here, Draco!”

 “Let’s hear it for the Class of – let’s see – 2014 – of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!”



Even Lyn clapped her hands, which made everyone crack up laughing.

 “Well, now that Lyn’s awake, let’s take a walk outside and show her the snow, maybe make a snowman,” suggested Narcissa.

 “Excellent idea!” Hermione agreed. “We’ll go get our coats and meet you downstairs.” 

She and Ginny left, talking a mile a minute.

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