Chapter 5: Bad news travels fast

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Chapter 5 : Bad news travels fast

Tempers flare as guilt and sorrow spreads.  Christopher and Hermione deliver the sad news.  Harry and Aunt Petunia share a secret and come to an understanding.

 Chapter 5 :  Bad news travels fast

“What happened, Dumbledore?” The new Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour came striding into the Headmaster’s office followed by several other officials, including Percy Weasley.

 “Voldemort,” Dumbledore began, ignoring the hisses and intakes of breath. “ . . . . Killed Viola and Stanley Parkinson and their daughter, Pansy.  He ordered their bodies left at the gates of Hogwarts, I believe, as a message to Draco Malfoy, who is staying here this summer.”

 “Lucius Malfoy was a known and convicted Death Eater.  What’s his son doing at this school over the holiday?”

 “Draco has renounced his father’s ways and his association with the Death Eaters and their leader and his allegiance is now with Harry Potter.”

“Really?  How can you be sure?”

“Draco has nothing to hide and everything to lose, as the head of the Malfoy family, including the lives of his mother and his unborn sister.  He is steadfast in his decision.”

“Then why were the Parkinsons killed?”

“It was to show Draco there is no turning back or changing his mind.  Voldemort wants to make very sure Draco knows that he’ll never be forgiven for turning away from the Death Eaters and aligning himself with Harry Potter.”

“But, from what we could gather, Parkinson was a faithful follower of . . . . you-know-who.  Why kill his own people?” asked Percy Weasley, earning him a withering look from the Minister.

“Pansy and Draco were close friends and the parents . . . . I imagine as an example to the other followers.”

“May we see the bodies . . . to make the deaths official, you understand. And we would like to get a statement from Draco Malfoy who, I understand, was the one to find the bodies.”

“Second on the scene, actually; Rubius Hagrid was first to arrive at the gates.”

“I see.  Well, we could talk to him also . . . . I suppose.”

 “Of course.”  Dumbledore rose from behind his desk and led the way to the hospital wing, with Severus and Minerva, sniffling into her hanky, following behind.


 Upon entering the ward, the bodies of the Parkinsons were lying, covered, on two of the beds to the right.  Pansy was lying, opposite, with Draco still sitting by her, his back to them.

 One of the Ministry officials walked over, uncovered the faces of the Parkinsons and waved his wand over them.  He then flipped the sheets back over their faces and turned to the Minister.

 “Both killed with the ‘Avada Kadavra’ curse, Minister.”

 “Thank you.  And Miss Parkinson?”  He turned to find Poppy between himself and Pansy’s bed.

 “The same, Minister.  Here is my full report on all three victims, complete with the death certificates,” Poppy informed him, holding out a set of rolled parchments to the Minister, who nodded, took them from her and passed them to his assistant.

 “Thank you, Madame Pomfrey.  How very efficient of you.  We needed to make it official, you understand.”

 “Of course, and I saved you a bit of paperwork, too.”  She smiled sweetly at him and his assistant, who thankfully nodded agreement as he put the scrolls in a pocket of his robe.

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