Chapter 28 : "A hunting we will go . . . "

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Chapter 28 : “A hunting we will go…”

My, my, such comings and going… everybody out and about, north and south, in and out.  A little reminiscing, a little follow-the-leader, a little breaking and entering; busy day.

Chapter 28 : “A hunting we will go…”

You want me to do what?” Severus exploded.

 “Help me get into the veterinarian supply room at the London Zoo and nick a few things . . . . we’ll just borrow them, actually.  I swear we’ll put them back!”  Gwen explained.

 “Are you insane?” hissed the ‘temporarily retired’ Potions Master.

 “The jury is still out on that one,” Cissa snickered.

 “Be quiet, Narcissa!” snapped Severus.

 Cissa stuck out her tongue. “Your bullying doesn’t impress me, Severus Snape, so there!” She snapped her fingers at him.

 “Fine. You don’t have to go; I’m sure Anna wouldn’t mind going along,” Gwen huffed.

 “Absolutely not!” Severus pounded his fist on the table.

 “Well, who then?”  Gwen put her hands on her hips, frowning.  “Fred and George?”  Her eyes lit up and she smiled.  “Yes, come to think of it, I am going to be meeting them in London; I’ll ask them to give me a hand!”

 Severus stared at her, open mouthed, as if to imply he could not believe she would even consider such a thing.

 Just then, Anna walked into the kitchen.  “Fred and George . . . . giving you a hand?  Doing what?”

 “Invading the Zoo.”

 “Oh . . . . That reminds me, I need to hitch a ride, so I can go to Sheffield.”  Anna took a seat. 

 “Sheffield?  Why would you need to go to Sheffield?” Severus asked, thunderstruck that Anna was so casually talking of leaving their hiding place, for any reason.

 “To accompany Artemus and company back here.”

  “I don’t think so . . . . ”

 “Excuse me?”

 “Oh, oh,” Cissa muttered, as she stood up and walked over to the counter to get a mug of coffee.

 Gwen sat back and stared up at the ceiling, counting the cracks in the exposed beams.

 “I won’t let you do anything as dangerous as this, either of you!”  Severus glared at Anna and then Gwen, whose gaze slowly came down to meet his.

“And who the BLOODY HELL do you think you are, telling me what I can and can’t do?”  Gwen hissed.

“NOW you’ve torn it,” Cissa smirked at Severus, who glared daggers at her.

 “You are not talking to the D.A., Severus Snape!  Don’t you DARE use that patronizing, superior, bullying tone to me!  I’m not some first year!”  Anna growled at her husband, eyes flashing.

 “Anna and I are perfectly capable of handling this, by ourselves, thank you very much!  You hold down the fort, like a good little daddy and we will be back in no time.  You can do that, can’t you?”  Gwen spit out.

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