CHapter 24 : "Well, well, well . . . Look who the cat dragged in . . ."

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Chapter 24 : “Well, well, well…Look who the cat dragged in…”

Severus checks out the makeover of his old home and gets reacquainted with Cyrus.  Wormtail gets the scare of his life and a few questions.  Surprise!  Now…don’t tell anyone, understood?

 Chapter 24  : “Well, well . . . .look who the cat dragged in…”

 “So, what do you think?”  Anna watched Severus as he descended the stairs on his first day out of bed, looking around at his old home and the changes that had been made by the three women.

“It certainly has a lighter, airy feeling about it; not the gloomy place I remember,” Severus replied, as he came to the last step.  He turned and looked at the door, hidden under the ancient tapestry for so long. “Ah, ha, the Passage Door.  Should I?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow as he approached.

“Yes, just knock and Cyrus will be there.”  Anna came and stood by his side.

Knock, knock. The little door panel popped open and Cyrus’ eyeball looked at Severus and then Anna.

 "Good morning, Mistress Snape.”

 “Good morning Cyrus.”

 “Who is this?”

 “My husband and the owner of this house, Professor Severus Snape.  Severus, I believe you know Cyrus.”

 “I do indeed.”

 “What?” Cyrus looked at Severus and squinted. “You’ve been here before?”

 “Yes.  If you think back about 30 years or so, you’ll remember me,” Severus informed him.

 The eyeball looked up and down at Severus and then grew wide, as he remembered all those years ago.

 “You! You’re that little boy who used to hide under my tapestry and wiggle my latch, trying to get through!  Good heavens!  You’ve grown!”

“And here’s the best part, Cyrus, Severus teaches Potions at Hogwarts!”  Anna added, putting her arms around Severus’ waist.

 “Really?  How fortuitous!”

 “Yes, and now when I try your latch, I know where it leads and will make good use of the connection, I assure you.”

 “Do you know the password?” Cyrus said, with a glance at Anna, followed by a wink.

 “Actually, no. But Anna will give it to me, won’t you, my dear?”

 “IF you behave and get your rest AND do as I say, until your head is totally healed . . . . I might.”  Anna gazed up at the husband, batting her eyelashes, a big innocent look on her face.

 “IF I BEHAVE?”  Severus roared, “This is my home, woman and I want the bloody password!”

 “That’s all I needed to hear you say, dearest, ‘this is my home.’ SO, you really like what we did?”

 Severus was flabbergasted.  He stared at Anna and then put his head back and laughed.

 “Conniving wench!” He put his arms around her and kissed her.  “Yes, darling, this is our home and I love what you’ve done for the old place.  The entire dreary atmosphere is gone and it truly feels like a new house.  I think the Snape family will be very happy here.  All the bad memories are gone; it’s a new start, for good memories, for us.”

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