Chapter 23 : What's the good word . . . or bad?

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Chapter 23 : What’s the good word…or bad?

Round and round and round we go, and where Severus is….nobody knows….or do they?  Wormtail keeps an eye on things and Gran arrives at Hogwarts.

Chapter 23 : What’s the good word…or bad?

 Severus awoke to weak winter sunshine filtering through sheer curtains.  He could see bare branches swaying in the wind as puffy white clouds skittered across the bright blue sky.

 He slowly, carefully, turned his head to take a good look at his surroundings.  The furniture seemed well proportioned to fit the room and the walls painted the palest grey.  He could not shake the feeling he should know this room but maybe it was just his imagination; after all, he had sustained a severe blow to the skull.

 Turning his head to look at the other side of the room, his eyes widened.  There, sitting on a chair watching him, was a ghost.  But . . . . it couldn’t be . . . . .

 “Ma-ma?” he whispered.

 “Hello, my darling boy.”

 “Am I dead?”

 “Good heavens, no.”

“Am I dreaming?”

 “Ah . . . . .no, dearest.”

 “But . . . . ” His eyes darted around the room. ‘My God,’ he thought. ‘It can’t be . . . . ’

 “Welcome home, Severus,” Eileen said softly.

 He looked again at his mother’s ghost and noticed that she looked apprehensive; as she used to when his father was working himself up to one of his rages.  Was she frightened . . . . of him?  NO . . . . of his reaction!

 “Anna asked me to keep an eye on you.”  

 “Devious, conniving, sneaky, bloody brilliant wench!” he sputtered, the corners of his mouth twitching with a barely suppressed smile.  “Where is my wife, by the way?”

 “She’s tending to the babies  . . . . You’re not mad?  That you’re here?  That Anna is using this house as her hiding place?”

 Severus thought for a moment, and then carefully and slowly shook his head.

 “No. There’s not a better or safer place on earth.”

 “Oh, thank goodness!  I was so worried you’d be furious.”  Eileen leaned back, visibly relieved.

 “Ma-ma, there are more important things to worry about than my opinion of Anna’s choice for her hiding place.  If I did not think of it, no one else has either.  As I said, it’s bloody brilliant.”

 “She thought she might have to hex you into coming here and then tie you up until you agreed to stay.”

 “She wouldn’t dare!”

 One cocked eyebrow from his mother and Severus smiled.

 “You’re right, she could and would!”

  “It’s good to see you smile, dearest.”

 “It’s good to see you, period, Ma-ma.  I did miss you, terribly.”

 “As I missed you.”

 “I sprinkled your ashes at Hogwarts, on the gardens and greenhouses.  I hope you don’t mind.”

 “Oh, splendid!  What a wonderful, thoughtful gesture. Thank you.”

 An awkward silence fell over the room. Severus was convinced he was NOT dreaming, but he was at a bit of a loss for words.  He opened his mouth, then closed it and frowned.  Eileen looked similarly perplexed.  Then she smiled.

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now