Chapter 22 ; 'With a little bit of blooming luck . . . '

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Chapter 22 : ‘With a little bit of blooming luck…’

 Things happen fast and furiously; timing is everything.  It’s not the drop…it’s the sudden stop.  An unexpected and unconscious houseguest.  Wormtail waits and watches, and wishes the worst.

 Chapter 22 :  ‘With a little bit of blooming luck…’

 “Severus, come in, come, in.”

Severus was instantly on his guard; not trusting Voldemort’s ‘jovial’ mood.

 “Master.”  He knelt, head bowed.

 “Up, get up!”

 Severus rose, but kept his head down.  Voldemort sat in his chair, regarding his Potions Master.

 “I don’t know what you said to Bella, exactly, but I’m pleased you reminded her that becoming a mother isn’t as easy as she has been assuming it will be.  None of the Black women should be taken lightly when it comes to defending their own.  Even that blood traitor Andromeda would die for her Mudblood mate.  I expect no less from Narcissa, although Bella will have her heart’s desire in the end.  It should be quite the battle.”

“I’m not doubting the outcome of that meeting, Master, just giving a word of caution.  Bella was always a little . . . . volatile . . . . in her temperament.”

“Indeed . . . . fiery.  Well, what news do you have for me, Severus?”

 “I know the identity of Narcissa’s Secret Keeper . . . . ”


“ . . . . but . . . . it will be of no use to Bella or yourself, Master.”

Why?”  Voldemort’s mood changed instantly as he glowered at Severus.

 “Simply because of the fact that her Secret Keeper is Anastasia Twigg-Jones.”


 The Dark Lord stared for a moment, then threw back his head, and laughed; a dry mirthless cackle.

 “And I know precisely who suggested her, too . . . . Albus Dumbledore.  I will be SO pleased when I put an end to his meddling, smug, ‘thorn-in-my-side’ existence!”

 “Indeed, Master; a great day for all.”

 “I suppose it would be too much to hope that someone at Hogwarts knows that bitch Twigg-Jones’ Secret Keeper?”

 “Not that I’ve been able to ascertain.  However, there is always the possibility of Draco letting something slip, in conversation.  He has relaxed, a bit, toward me and talks about the contents of the letters he receives from his mother, which are not frequent, but there is communication between them and I’m always listening for the slightest clue as to her whereabouts.”

 “Very good, Severus. That, at least, should mollify Bella.”

 ‘Something isn’t right,’ thought Severus. ‘I should be writhing on the floor by now for failing to bring more information.

 “Perhaps I should tell her what I have reported to you, Master; to improve her temper.”

 “Yes. Give her that bit of information and reassure her that you are looking out for her interests.”

 “Certainly, Master.”

 As Severus left the room, he saw Bella standing near the door to the terrace, with a grim smile on her face.

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