CHapter 37 : "All you need is love . . . love . . . love is all you need.

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Chapter 37 : “All you need is love…love…love is all you need.”

Nope, no hints, just read.

 Chapter 37 : “All you need is love…love…love is all you need.”

 Ron put his arm around Hermione’s shoulder, while Luna gave Neville a hug.  Then they became aware of the sounds of more fighting nearby . . . . and they recognized the voices.

“Draco!”  Hermione pointed down a nearby hall, where Bella was dueling Draco, spells flying with smoke and debris getting thicker by the minute.

The four started down the hall but halfway there, Neville took hold of Ron’s sleeve and they all stopped.

 “No,” Neville said, quietly.  “She’s mine.”

 “Neville,” Luna whispered, “ . . . . be careful.”

 Nodding, Neville tightened his grip on his wand and continued walking, coming up behind Draco, who was facing Bella, their wands pointed at each other, panting, trying to catch their breath.

 “Hello, Draco.  Keeping out of trouble, are you?” Neville cheerily greeted him.

 “Hey, mate.  Yeah, a little family get together; just Aunt Bella and me.  Care to join us?”  Draco gave Neville a lopsided grin.

 “I don’t want to interrupt . . . . But . . . . Since we’re on the subject, there is a bit of unfinished ‘family’ business I need to discuss with your auntie,” Neville informed him.

 “Indeed . . . . well, be my guest.” 

 Draco grinned wickedly and bowing slightly, backed away, leaving Neville facing Bella.  She was looking wildly around, eyes flicking back and forth, coming to the realization that she was alone and facing five D.A. members, as Luna came up beside Draco, Ron and Hermione stopping on the other side of him.  They stood silently, watching, as Neville approached and circled Bella.

 “So . . . . ” Neville said, quietly, “ . . . . Bella Lestrange.  Remember me?  BOO!”

 Bella’s eyes flashed and she attacked Neville, screaming, throwing spells left and right, which Neville easily parried or dodged.  The others were not cheering, for fear of distracting Neville, but they were ready to jump to his defense if it looked like he was in any trouble.  They need not have worried; Neville had been envisioning this duel since the inception of the D.A. and his confidence had nothing to do with the Felix potion.

 Suddenly, Bella stumbled and with Neville’s quick “Accio wand!” and “PetrificusTotalus”, she found herself on the floor, motionless and beaten.  Draco conjured ropes around her, just in case, as Luna took off her scarf and bound it around Bella’s head, sealing her mouth.

 “Should we just leave her here?” Ron asked, looking around.

 “It has gotten a lot quieter; we’d better go see what’s happening,” Hermione suggested.

 “Go ahead, you two, we’ll bring her along,” replied Draco, as he performed a floating charm on his aunt and started her drifting down the hallway.

 Neville had his arm around Luna as they walked with Draco.

 “You were excellent, Neville,” she told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

 “She’s right, mate. You were,” Draco agreed.

 A muffled scream from the bound witch made them giggle.

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now