Chapter 8: One more chair at the table

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Chapter 8 : One more chair at the table

Goodbyes and farewells; leaving the old, familiar places and heading for the next destination. Surprises and new beginnings; with friends, old and new.

Chapter 8 : One more chair at the table

“Good bye, Mother.” Hermione hugged her mother and then turned to her father.  “Daddy, take LOTS of pictures and send lots of postcards, won’t you?” She threw her arms around him and gave him a hug.

“Of course we will.  You have a good time at the Weasley’s and help out when you can, especially with the wedding preparations.”  Her father stepped back and smiled at her.

“Yes, Molly will need every spare pair of hands, I imagine,” agreed Mrs. Granger.  “It was nice of you to come up to London to see us off and take Hermione back home with you, Ginny . . . . Ronald,” she continued, turning to the two teenagers standing there in the airport terminal, looking around with wide-eyed astonishment at all of the hustle and bustle. 

 “No problem; we’ve never been to an airport before,” Ginny replied, knowing Ron was too busy, trying to see everything at once, to come up with any kind of coherent reply. “Couldn’t pass up the chance, come to that.”

 “Yeah, no problem.  Blimey, Dad would be over the moon, wouldn’t he, Ginny?”

 “That’s why we didn’t tell him we were doing this; can’t have him running amok in Heathrow,” Ginny agreed, giggling.

 “Maybe we’ll bring him here as a birthday treat,” suggested Ron.

 “Are you insane?  Mother would skin us alive!” gasped Ginny.


 “That’s our flight, dear.” Dr. Granger picked up his carry-on bag and kissed Hermione on the cheek.  “Good bye, honey.  Study hard and we will let you know our mailing address when we get settled.” 

 “Right, Dad.  Take care.  Mother, have a great time.”  Hermione turned and hugged her mother again.

 “Take good care of yourself, dear,” her mother replied and then whispered in her ear, “We’ll be fine, and you take care of Ron, and Harry, too.” Pulling back, she winked at her daughter.

 Hermione looked at her mother, then smiled and nodded. Leaning close, she whispered back, “Figured it out, did you?”

 Dr. Granger nodded and looked around at her husband shaking hands with Ron and hugging Ginny.   “Yes, and we’ve heard from Professor Dumbledore, too; sent a very informative letter.  We’ll be fine.”

 “Of course you will, and busy, too.” 

 Hermione’s mother then hugged Ginny and Ron.


 “Well, hurry up, you two, or they’ll take off without you.” Hermione shooed her parents on their way.

 The Grangers shouldered their take-on bags and walked over to the security check point, turning to wave one last time after they had cleared through.  Hermione, Ginny and Ron waved back and watched as the Hermione’s parents turned and headed down the hallway.   Ron put his arm around Hermione and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

 “They’ll be fine, don’t you worry.”  Ginny linked her arm through Hermione’s and gave it a squeeze.

 “I know.  Gee, this must be what it’s like to watch me get on the Express every year; how odd.”

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now