Chapter 26 : Again . . . again!

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Chapter 26 : Again…again

 The aftermath of the attack at St. Mungo’s; the news spreads quickly, in all directions.  Gwen pays a visit, and Theo makes his own ‘fateful’ decision.  Fred and George make a delivery…oh, goodie, new ‘stuff’!

Chapter 26 : Again…again!


“Yes, Master.”

 Bella lay prostrate on the floor at Voldemort’s feet, her hands clenched in frustration.  The Dark Lord paced back and forth for several minutes, and then looked down at the witch sprawled before him.  He felt no fear emanating from her, just impotent rage.

 “I sense you feelings of . . . . disappointment, Bella, my pet.  Arise.”

 Bella rose, but stood with her head down.  Voldemort put one long, white, bony finger under her chin and brought her face up to enable their eyes to meet.

 “Tell me what happened.  Everything, as you remember.”

 “We . . . . we ‘Apparated ’ into the main lobby and immediately targeted the staff members.  As the others started stunning the few civilians who were there, I, with Avery and Nott, went down the hall to the stairwell, stunning anyone we encountered.  The door to the stairs was sealed, but easily opened, well, blasted out of our way.  We ran up the stairs and the door to the Fourth floor was also sealed.”

“Not surprisingly.  Go on.”

“Again, we just blasted our way through. We could see through the windows of the ward door that something had been put against the door; a feeble attempt at barricading.  The three of us hit the doors with our spells at the same time, blowing them and the useless junk out of the way . . . . .but . . . . but . . . . ”


“The ward was empty; the Longbottoms were gone, there was no Ward Matron or Healer . . . . nobody . . . .

 “I understand Avery and Nott had to physically pull you back, in order to return to the lobby and make your escape.”

 “Yes, Master, I showed great weakness from the shock of the situation . . . . Mercy, Master . . . . I could not believe I had . . . . we’ had been thwarted once again.  I couldn’t think for a few moments.”

“But you and your strike team did manage to return to me with minimal injuries.”

"Yes, Master.”

 “So, where could they have gone?”

“I don’t know, Master, I don’t understand . . . . ”

“Don’t you, Bella?  Let me explain; Dumbledore and quite possibly Anna Twigg-Jones, planned for this escape.  The fact that they were so concerned with protecting the Longbottoms has just provided me with an answer to one of the riddles in this little dance we are doing with dear old Albus.”

 “Answer?”  Bella was totally confused.

“I believe Alice Longbottom is that bitch Twigg-Jones’ Secret Keeper.”

What!?  But, Master, that’s impossible . . . . Alice Longbottom . . . . ”

“Is incapable?  Oh, I think she is perfectly capable or at least available, on some level; the perfect choice.  Whom would she tell?  Would she be capable of telling?  Who would suspect her?  I certainly did not . . . . until now.  No, Bella, the Longbottom’s safety was paramount, so this little scenario was thought through long ago; nearly a year, in fact.  How . . . . interesting.”

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