Chapter 3 : Fresh starts and a surprise

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 Chapter 3 : Fresh starts and a surprise

The ladies get started brewing potion, Draco helps Hagrid with a little emergency, Voldemort gives Bella a promise and the Durlsey’s are the BIG WINNERS!

 Chapter 3 : Fresh starts and a surprise

 “Good mornin’ to ‘ya, Mister Malfoy,” Hagrid boomed heartily, as he approached the large round table in the Great Hall. 

 The student tables and benches were against the walls and this large communal table was where the summer residents of Hogwarts gathered for meals.

“Morning,” replied Draco, after washing down a mouthful of his breakfast with a gulp of juice. “And call me Draco, Hagrid.  I’d feel more comfortable with that.”

“Oh. All right, then . . . . Draco.  What did ‘ya have planned for today?  If ‘ya don’t mine me askin’?”

 “Not much, actually.  Thought maybe I’d do some practice on my broomstick out in the Quidditch . . . . .”

 “Nah. I got sumthin’ better then tha’.”   Hagrid beamed.  “Come on down to me hut after ‘yer done here and give me a han’ with a few things.”

 “Do these ‘things’ bite or sting?”

 Hagrid looked a bit offended until he saw Draco smiling at him.

“Ah, oh, no, no, nothin’ like that.”

 “I’m kidding, Hagrid.  Sure, I’ll be down as soon as I finish, okay?”

 “Right, right.  See ‘ya then.”


 “What have you got there?”  Eileen had floated in through the wall and was looking over Anna’s shoulder, as she, Cissa and Gwen unpacked the potion ingredients they would be using.”

“We’re going to be brewing the ‘Felix Felicis’ potion, as part of our defense plans against Voldemort,” Anna replied.  “Hope you don’t mind us using your kitchen as our lab.”

 “Why don’t you set up in my old potions workshop?”

 All three women stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the ghost of Severus Snape’s mother.

“You have a potion workshop . . . . here?” Anna asked, setting down a packet of chopped ingredients.

 “Where do you think I taught potions to Severus before he went at Hogwarts?”

 “Of course; I remember now.  He always said you showed him everything worth knowing about potions.” Anna looked over at Cissa, who nodded.

Then, shaking her head, Narcissa laughed.  “I thought he was half way joking, to cover up a natural talent that put the rest of us to shame.”

“Think of who you’re talking about, Cissa.  Severus, joke?  No, it is obvious he was serious.  So, where is this workshop?”  Anna turned to her mother-in-law and cocked her head.

 “It’s under your feet, actually.  The hidden stairs are over there behind the fireplace.  Just push in that square cobblestone set in at end of the mantel.”

“What a minute!  Stop right there!  Why isn’t it opened with magic?” Gwen asked.

“This was a Muggle house a few hundred years ago and it’s what was called a ‘priest hole’, I believe.”

 “Ah –HA!” 

 Intrigued, Gwen led Cissa and Anna across the room and finding the stone, gave it a push.  The stonewall split apart with a slight swishing sound and a steep staircase was revealed.

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