Eloise Fay

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(hello my mutants, so I love this character but I wasn't sure if a lot of people would read the book, but ill give it a go and see where I end up)


it was nearly midnight in Rio but Eloise's night just got started, you see she was a tough girl who had many jobs, pick pocketing, performer and fighting. Each job was just a small way to show of her personality. Tonight however she had a big fight, see she normally gets put up against professionals but no matter how strong they were she always walked away with big buck and no scratches. She always gets called a cheat but she didn't care, she only went in do her little dance and got back out.

Eloise walked down one walked down one of the most crowded streets, its Rio what do you expect. She made her way down an alley way that didn't look like much but that was kind the point, to keep away unwanted people.

She went to a graffiti door and knocked, it opened slightly to reveal a man who was roughly 6,2 and was dressed in a white wife beater vest and jeans "what do you want" Eloise smirked "i'm here to win the fight" the guy looked her up and down before bursting out in laughter "little girl like you will be crushed in seconds" he was about to close the door till she put her foot in the way "hows about for now on, i'm known as a big girl" she said as she waved some money in front of him "hmm, fine its your funeral" he opened the door and let her in "thanks" she said as she grazed her hand along his arm, the guy shivered and smirked at her before she walked on to the fight.


I walk thought to the changing rooms before settling down on a bench "okay lets see what we have here" I placed my hands on my head to see into that guy.

If you're lost and not really sure what i'm doing then let me make it simple, i'm a mutant, I had the ability to gain other peoples skills, like for instance, if I wanted the voice of a angle when singing, then I could just go give Lana del ray a quick tap.

I can't completely control it, sometimes I get the bad stuff, like one time, I want to be able to gambit really good, but I ended up getting his addictions like drinking and nearly drugs, oh that wasn't a good weekend. Plus side, I can turn it on and off, so I can still have fun for time to time with thing is i'll get some weird ass fetishes for a week, anyway now that your caught up lets continue.

I ended up see some bar fights this guys been in and how he caught the guy hand in the middle of swing and his fist went to the other guys face 'okay that could work' then I saw him throw the guy back and that's it "wow... great" I said in a sarcastic way. I needed to get something else, I looked up to see other girls who were warming up 'hehe this will be fun'.

(so how was that, good?. I hope so cuz id hate to ruin this character or something. ALSO I HAVE LIKE 5 OTHER BOOKS, THREE ARE FINNISH AND TWO ARE BEING WRITTEN THE NOW. so please go read those cuz I write all my books slightly the same hehe)








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