Handsome Nightmare

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I listened to him walk away, I held back the rest of my tears, afraid he'll hear. I laid there, even thought I drank half of that bottle, yet I still felt this pain in the pit of my stomach, It didn't numb the feeling but just made it worst.


Soon enough I fell asleep, I had the same dreams as I always had. I dreamt of victors past, this one I had already seen, its yet the most dramatic one. It was one of the many wars he went through with james but this time I felt like I was there. I saw everything around me, the guns, dead soldiers, all the violence, I could smell the fire burning around me. I was scare, no terrified, how can I possibly feel, smell.. touch, its just a dream.

I turned when I heard a huge explosion, men were screaming as they ran away ,but when I did, I suddenly felt a jolt of pain In my stomach. my eyes were starting at the hand that was stabbed deep into me,covered in all my blood, I had forgotten that this was only a dream.

I followed upwards till I came face to face with a smile I once thought was charming, but now was sinister. Victor didn't even seem to care, the fact that he was slowly killing me "v-victor..." I stutter as I tried to push him off "ohhh you feel so warm..." he laughed at the slight dirty joke but then ripped out his hand.

I fell to the ground as my breathing became fast and I felt blood coming out of my mouth. Victor kneeled down and placed my neck "such a pretty neck" he the began to rub his nail down the side. I tried to speck but the blood filled my mouth "ohh whats that.... oh well" he then raised his hand as he went to give the final blow.


I shot up, sweat covering me. I felt my neck and stomach checking that I hadnt been stabbed, thankfully I wasnt and I was okay, well alive. I looked around the room and saw that the sun was still out but setting, with knowing I was okay I just laid there looking out the widow as I watched the sun starting to disappear. Maybe this was a sigh, that me and victor should go our separate ways, we might still be friends, given time but then again I never really believed in that shit.

I could hear him moving around down stairs, I'm not sure how long I laid there but it got to the point that I couldn't bare it any more, plus I felt discusting. I got up and walked to the bathroom, knowing that victor would hear that I was up.

The lights came on but I switch some back off, the huge tub in the centre of the room still has remains of last times bubble bath. I turned on the taps and waiting for the tube to fill up, the noise of running water started to calm me. My heart started to go back to a normal pace, the steam filled the room but I just sat on the floor with my knees to my chest.

Once the tub retched half way, I began to strip off and place the dirty clothes in the basket. I went to the tub and climbed in, the water being a tad to warm I turned the cold tap up, I tried to relax down, to lay my head back, think happy thought. It didnt work, all I could think was victor and how the once handsome, caring and funny man that I loved oh so much, was actually a strong, dark and dangerous man. That one cuddly teddy bear was a killing machine.

The more I thought about it, the more I became upset. I got to a point were I was sitting in an filled bath, crying. I didnt even realise the water was flowing out the bath, that is till I heard the taps being turned, I kept my eyes down but just listened. I could tell he was just leaning at the sit of the bath waiting for one of us to speak up.

I lifted my head but didnt look his way "what do you want?" I asked him, I was surprised to hear a little laugh "seriously el?.... I want you to talk to me, I want to explain everything" I could feel his eyes on me. I didnt speak but I did look over my shoulder, letting him know I was listening "*sigh *... its just certain mutants, not every mutant... I went after... died... striker sent me on those-" when that name left his mouth, I just lost it "STRIKER IS A BASTARD. WHY WOULD YOU LISTEN TO HIM... AND JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDNT KILL THEM ALL DOESN'T MAKE THIS SHIT ANY BETTER" I yelled out but didn't move.

There was a pause but then I felt victors hand on my shoulder, now I was angry but I didn't move away from his touch "Eliose... please, I know what I did was.... fucked up. I promise you, I wont keep you in the dark any longer, I won.t.... kill again. Please.... don't leave me" he was begging me, this was a low point. He's never had to beg for anything.

(for now on its mostly going to follow what happens in wolverine origins but throught Eloise and victors pov)








Your Touch  (sabretooth x oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora