Do anything for you

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(hello my mutants so heres an update, hope ya'll like it and please keep supporting this book and maybe my other books too, pleaseeee)

I waited an hour for victor to return but it got to a point that I couldn't keep my eyes open, how am I so tired?. I made something to eat and made a coffee as I sat at the table in the kitchen, I then thought over what striker said how I was to keep victor in his place, and if I don't, he'll hurt him. This was victor, how exactly can he hurt him, he'll kill them before- unless, was there something they had just in case we betrayed them?.

I picked up the plate and cup as I placed them in the sink, I then looked down. I felt my stomach as I pretended to feel a bump "hmm victor junior?..... little Eloise?.... no" I pulled my hands away as I felt weird about the though.

I then got up and walked to the living room and I laid down. I thought over it as I then had an idea 'we could leave. Just disappear, start over?' I then rolled over as I took a pillow and cuddled into it. victor wouldn't just do that, his doing good here and I can't tell him about what striker said, then we'll both be in for it. Ahhh i'm getting a sore fucking head, all this thinking is making me go crazy, when did this get so insane, I remember being offered this job and thinking ' ohh a trip to America' now I wished we never go out of bed,

I let out a frustrated sigh as I sat up "where are you victor?" I said as I brought my kneels to my chest. I needed to do this, striker wants this logan, then we'll get him. I just need victor to tell me what he's doing and hopeful I can help in some way, i'd do anything for that asshole.


I found the doctor that upset Eloise, he begged for his life but I ignored him, I made sure to make him scream and let the rest of the place know what was happening. Now I stood outside the main room door with the doctors blood soaking my clothes, I waited for striker to come, I wanted to make it clear, NO ONE messes with my girl.

I thought over the whole thing. she seemed so upset at the though of having a kid or maybe it was just the situation of having the kid, wait 'the kid' there is no kid "ah get your head together" I started to sharpen my nails as I thought more. I didn't really enstion children to her, I always thought I wont get the chance to have any. we haven't even been together that long, no way was I rushing this. 

I  was brought out of thought when I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, I looked to see striker and a couple of nurses, he saw me and his face became pale "victor?" was all he said, keeping his distance. I pushed off the wall as I smirked "so Eloise came home with tears in her eyes." strikers face changed and his heart beat went up "and?..." I started to make my way to him "well you can tell someone paid... but id like to make something clear, if anyone asks her to have a kid again... i'm going to slaughter everyone in this place. Got it?" I didn't wait for him to answer, I did what needed to be done.

I walked down the hall as people kept giving me the look but I soon seen someone "ohhh, well lookie here" it was the girl who played jimmy's girl "you look very alive today" I mocked, she glared at me "what happened to you?" she looked me up and down. I looked down "just took care of an asshole..." I looked up to see her with a face of disgust "you better get home to eloise." she turned away from me.

I rolled my eyes as I walked but to the car, now that I made my point. It was time to get home and make sure el was okay. I wont be leaving her alone any more, I'll never leave her side. I own it to her, she hasn't left mine, yet.

*so do you think they should have a child or keep the life they have already?*








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