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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so this story only has maybe a few chapters left before It finishes. Ive had a roller-coaster of emotion with writing and my RL. I'm sorry if I frustrated anyone with the lack of updates, I really am trying to update as much as I can.)

(Eloise pov)

I woke up when I felt us coming to a stop, I didn't have any dreams whilst sleeping this time, thank god not sure if I could deal with more nightmares of victor- never mind. I opened my eyes and gave them a little rub, it was dark outside, how long has victor been driving for? Where are we?

I sat up a little, looking down to my hands, I remembered that they were burned before as well, guess they healed too "you're awake?" victors rough voice gave me shivers, I looked to him through my still sleepy eyes "y-yeah... guess I am" I turned my attention towards the windows. It looked like we were at a motel, the cheap kind. Victor sighed before opening his door, getting out first but also letting the cold air in the car. I wrapped back up in the covers as victor walked to the office.

Things felt off, like the were back to how they were when we fought, I didn't feel the passion or a connection like I did before I went to sleep. I felt useless again, the girl who can remember how to live on her own, who needs someone to hold her hand, pathetic really.

i looked over to my right towards the boot of the car to see two huge bags, most likely mine and victors, it seemed very easy for victor to leave the island, like it wasn't a hard choice. How come when ever I asked or begged victor to drop this job, he'd ignore or argue that we needed this. I get that striker caged me but, victor was suppose to get so much out of this, why give it all up?

I jumped at the sound of my car door opening, the cold air filled the car once again, I wrapped the covers closer to me. Looking to the door I saw victor taking a few things from the floor of the back seat, he never said a word, so I never spoke either. Once he collected the two bags and a third smaller bag, he looked to me before closing the door again. My eyes followed his movement until he turned the corner and out of sight. I laid back on the seat, I looked to my hands , my nails had grown longer and they were much sharper, must of picked that up from victor earlier on.

I found myself thinking back to what happened, the cage, Logan, being shot... then I thought of those flashes, the scene I saw when thinking of victor, how it seemed that I was looking through his eyes. It annoyed me now, i've never been able to do that, ever!. I thought for a moment, was there something wrong?, did striker slip me something?... was this naturally happening? . I rubbed my face as I felt that i was tensed up "what the hell happened?" I growled as I ran my hand through my hair, feeling all the tugs in it.

I pulled, feeling the pain but I didn't stop, I was so confused, so lost, were me and victor really okay>, was I okay? What's going to happen next? I was so stressed out with this, so much has happened in so little time, I couldn't face it all before and now... now I have to deal with it all "fuck... fuck....FUCK!" I gripped my head harder as I screamed out. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks, my throat starting to sting, who is this girl?, she's crying over stress, she's scared of being alone again, she's weak. I remember when I was fine, before victor.

This time I didn't jump from a sound, but from a cold hand gripping over mine "EL, STOP. Shit, Eloise." victor realest the grip I had on my head, to find a clump of hair in one of my hands. Victor looked to my hands before slowly looking to my eyes, they were dark, terrifying. I looked away, pulling my hands away but he caught them, holding them. I was shaking now "Eloise" he whispered to me, a shiver travelled up my spin "victor" I called back.


victor had carried me up the stair, even with my injuries being healed, he still did it. We seemed to have the room at the end of the hotel, now I could tell it wasn't 5 stars or anything fancy. Victor opened the door to reveal mint green walls, navy carpets with a swirl pattern, one double bed with white and blue sheets, along with a couch, tv and a door with was probably the bathroom.

Victor placed me down genitally on the double bed, but turned away and laid on the couch "vic-" I stopped myself, after all that;s happened, like I said, our relationship needs work. I sat up with my legs curled in "i'm not tired... you should get some rest on the bed." I looked to the floor, following the pattern "i'm good." he answered, victor didn't say anything after. I found myself just sitting there looking to the floor, find it the most interesting thing right now, I didn't feel tired, I didn't want to sleep any more.

Finally I looked up towards victor, he was facing away from me, I felt a little hurt that he wasn't near me. That he wasn't taking me in his arms, even after what happened. I sighed as leaned back against the head board. I knew he was asleep now, his braving was evened out and he had a slight twitch in his foot.

I looked ahead towards the tv, to see my reflection "i know... that your asleep, but.... I love you. I always have, i'm happy with you... but I'm also... scared of you, scared of what you're capable of, scared of how many enemy you might have.... what demons you have locked away." I looked over to him, thinking I saw him move, but it was just the trickery of my eyes "but even with all of that. I will stand by you, ill protect you, be loyal and love you... if you still want me" I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek, quickly I wiped it away and stepped off the bed, walking towards the bathroom to get washed.








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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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