Logan's broken heart

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victor stood aside of the main room and he waited for logan to arrive. He picked at his nails but his mind keep going to one question 'where's el.... what's taking so damn long' he hadn't heard anything about her, it was bothering him. He didn't like not seeing her for so long, especially after their fight.

The silent room was intruded by the sound of the doors bursting open, victor watched as the doctors brought in a body 'weapon 11', their little project "poor bastard" he mumbled under his breath. Next striker walked in, without Eloise, he didn't even look in victors direction "where's el?!" he stood up but striker just held up his finger as he looked down at the body.

Suddenly a small alarm went off to signal that someone unknown had been detected "he's coming. VICTOR get ready" he gave out his order but he still asked "where's... el?" his voice was low, very dark. He could smell her off striker, he went to go for him but he was stopped by the sound of screaming men.

This was the chance he was waiting for, years, it was now or never. Still, he couldn't stop having the bad feeling about el "shes alight, she just got a little light headed after seeing the needle. Ill bring her to you after this" victor wasnt sure about strikers promise but what other choice did he really have. Got after her and risk ruining the full plan we worked for and have striker place us under his project or leave el and not know where she is, not knowing if she is alright.

Victor stepped down and returned back to the side lines, waiting for his moment.

Logan entered the room quietly, staring at the centre, where some nurse and doctors where working on weapon 11. he thought they hadn't noticed him, that he still had the upper hand he thought wrong. "logan" striker called out, not yet taking his eyes off the body "welcome back to the war" he was talking as if he knew logan wasn't going to hurt him.

The rage in logans face build, he had had it "before I gut you, I wanna know why?" he's eyes were holding back tears, he had lost so much, all he wanted was to know, why had they brought him so much pain. Strike hadn't even looked logans way "i needed your powers for the pool" he answered, as if it was nothing. Logan didn't understand, he asked what, striker took in a breath "'the pool' a mutant killer... deadpool" loagn didn't speak, hearing those word took him back.

Striker went on to explain, how he needed certain powers, one that could co-exist in one body. That he'd been searching for those powers but... his son was the first piece of the puzzle. Logan just stood there listening, but striker finally turned to face him "logan you were the last... you made weapon 11 possible" seeing that this man had no guilt for what he had done, logan wasn't sure what to done, he wanted to kill him so badly but "i asked you to help...but you wanted the quite life" this got logan, it made him think of kayla, how she was killed, he loved her so much.

Striker began to walked to the left of logan as he spoke "well... i've learned that nothing motivates the men in your family like... revenge." he stopped and sat down on a deck, looking behind logan. Wondering what he was looking at, he turned but he couldn't believe what was there, kayla but it cant be "who are you?" he doesnt believe it, it cant be her "ohh she really old friend" strikers words meant nothing but... his heart told him that it was. Though that meant a heart breaking truth, logan bent down as he took sharp breaths in.

on the other side of the room, victor lowered himself too, to watch his brother in pain "did you really think we would just let you walk away... a dangerous man, we like to keep our eye on dangerous men" striker was push it, confirming what logan had just figured out "tell him about the day you died" he was now speaking to kayla. Her face changed as she looked to striker, she didn't want to but.. she had to "they have me a shot of hydrofluoric thighizied, it reduces the heart rate so it appeals as though you have flat lined."

logan was broke, it made sense of how... but why... striker then spoke "don't be angry with her, its real credit ... to your species" it took logan a second to realise what he meant. He just looked to her, she was a mutant, this full time, turns out she sable to make anyone do or think anything, just by touching them. It was never real, they lives together, their love. Kayla stepped foreword, trying to speak but striker moved his doctor coat to reveal a gun, this stopped her but didn't change how she felt "it was real for me" he looked her dead in the eyes when saying that, making her look away in guilt.

It was over now, he had nothing else, all logan wanted was to get as far away from this place as possible. First he wanted to make something clear to kayla "the story you old me, about a man who gets flowers for the moon. I had it backwards, I thought you were the moon and I was your wolverine... but you're the trickster, aren't you. I'm just the fool who got plaid" he looked to her as he spoke, seeing her shed a tear, "worst part of it is, I should of know... and I ignored my instincts , ignored what I really am. Im never let that happen again." he stood up once he finished and turned to striker, he didn't say anything, just simply turned and left.

(hope yous liked this, it was meant to be longer but I decide to leave some for the next chapter, so in a way the next chapter is already started haha. i'll try to update more now cuz I hate when authors do this so I will try guys)








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