No fixing this

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(hey guys so I'm coming to the end of this. just a few more chapters are that'll be it. I feel that this book was just something different because victor doesn't really have a big fan base but I'm still glad to be in it haha. hope you enjoy)

its been a few minutes now, victor was down stairs waiting for me now, I needed to get changed. I worn a pair of jeans and a Gray jumper with a black vest under it, my hair being thrown into a messy bun. I sat on the bed as I thought back to what just happened in the bathroom.

It was a full blown scream fight. I had told him to fuck off but that didnt help matters as he just raised his voice "GOD DAMMIT EL. IM TRYING TO FIX THIS" he said as he stood up and started to pace, me I just staid in the tub "FIX WHAT VICTOR.... do you really think things can go back to the way it was.... after what you did?" I whispered the last part. Suddenly I heard a loud crash "THIS IS WHO I AM ELIOSE. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING DO-" I then got up and grabbed my towel "TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE... if you want i'll go" I stepped out the tub but accidental slipped and fell "Fuc- ahh" I hissed as I landed on the hard ground.

Victor came to me but I held up my hand "i'm fine" I snapped, I didn't need his help. He growled at my tone of voice, I got up and secured the towel around me "jesus el, at least let me see if your hurt yourself" I tutted at him. I tried to walk away but victor grabbed my arm "wait" he hissed, I turned my head and glared at him "let. Me. Go" I spoke slowly but put a lot of power in each word.

Victors took in a deep breath "i don't know what else to say to you... I said I was sorry and I meant it, okay" his voice became darker and his grip tight around my arm. My eyes looked from his face to his hand "v-victor, you're h-hurting me" I tried to pull my arm away but he was stronger. He looked to my arm and let go, his face held a blank expression, he didn't say anything but then again he didn't get a chance.

His phone started to ring in his pocket, victor let out a frustrated growl as he went to take it. I took the chance to walk away from him and shut the door to the bedroom.

Now here I am, locked away and hiding away from victor. The day had ended and now it was dark out. I sat there with my head in my hands. How can one person get into such deep shit, it was a mess no matter what I did. I looked up as I saw my reflection in the mirror, bits of my hair had fallen out of the bun, my eyes were dark under and I looked pale "oh god, look at you el..." I groaned out to myself.

I stood up as I took out my bunn and ran my hands through my hair. I know I wasnt going to leave victors side any time soon but than didnt mean I was going to stay in this house, I grabbed my coat as I walked out the room.

On my way out I saw victor in the living room "im going out" I announced as I walked to the front door also grabbing the keys in the bowl for he car. I heard his voice going low as he said he had to go and then ran towards me "wait!.. where are you going?" I had just reach the door and just about to touch the handle but my shoulder got pulled "EL... where are you going?" he was right in my face but I just smirked "to the island, I need out this house... come with if you want, I don't care" I then pulled away and opened the front door leaving it open as I walked to our car.

It was raining so I had to quickly run to the car, there seemed to be a storm coming but that didn't stop me. I unlocked the car and went to get in but a hand grabbed my wrist "i'll drive" victors voice growled. I had to bite my lip to stop me from shouting at him. I threw him the keys as I walked around to the side. We both got in and drove off, now I still didn't want to talk to him so I just watched the rain drops run down my window.


Here I was, sitting in a room with victor as we waited for striker. Victor hadn't tried to make conversion again, he just waited with me. I wanted to talk now but now wasn't a good time, I knew I wouldn't leave him, even when I thought it through and packed my bags. I knew I wouldn't have went through with it, but I wasn't going to let victor know this.

I was brought out of my state when I heard the door opening, I looked up to see striker with three doctors and some girl with long dark hair, I've seen her before but I never got her name, not that I really wanted to know it. I sat up and looked to them, I didn't like this, I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I stepped off the table and backed up a little "what's going on striker?" I asked as I tried to create some distance, fearing that striker had heard of me and victors fall out.

I felt victor beside me, I looked to him to see him glaring down striker. My heart began to race as I knew something was up "victor calm down... I've only coming to borrow Eloise for a test" my head turned to them as I started to hide behind victor "no way striker, you ain't laying a finger on her" victors claws grew as he were to go off "Eloise, would you allow us to do this. Id hate for this to get... dramatic" striker called out as victor went to take a step forward. My eyes grew as I finally caught sigh of something in strikers jacket, it cant be anything good, especially if its to be used towards victor.

I grabbed victors arm and pulled him back "vict- baby... i- it's okay" as if striker was repeating the sentence over again 'Keep him in his place and I won't hurt him. If you act out, then he will pay the price' I held back the feelings as I pulled victor back, his expression was shock "what the hell el" he was looking dead in my eyes now. I can't let striker do anything to him, even with all that's just happened, he's still my man even if we are fighting.

I looked to striker for a moment but then looked back to victor "i'll be fine... j-just don't do anything stupid while i'm gone" I held his hand as I tried to act okay. I could tell he was not okay with this "fuck no.. el you aren't going any where with them not after-" he kept glaring at the guys but I placed my hand on his face "hey look at me... i'll be fine ... I love you" as soon as I said that, his eyes were on me "i-i.... I love you" he seemed calm but when I began to pull away, he freaked out a little.

He tried to come with me but striker held his hand up "victor I'll return her once we're done. Please just wait" I didn't look back, my heart was dropping, somehow I could feel what this was doing to him. I didn't say goodbye thinking that it would make this some how more awful, that if I didn't say it then that meant I would see him soon. I know striker wouldn't do anything terrible, but then again it striker.

I passed the girl who just looked me up and down as I went out. Striker and the two doctors walked with me as they lead me to a dark room, I know they take extracts from the kids here but thats about it "what the hell striker. You really needed to rile him up like that?" I tutted, I was the only one to annoy him but he was already in a pissy mood because of me. I turned a corner to then feel something on my neck, I thought it was a fly till I felt the pain. I went to pull what ever in was, out.

Suddenly I felt my hands being held back, I tried to pull away or get some skin contact to get energy but nothing. I was shoved into a cage, I turned to see they took the sample "WHAT THE FUCK. LET ME OUT" I screamed as I rattled the cage, striker looked at me as he pressed a button, shocking me from where my hands touched the cage. I let out a howl as I took my hands away "you see Eloise, when I hired victor, I had no use for you. But when your power, you could be the finishing touch to my experiment. However, you have been some what... a distraction to victor.... he isn't the solider I once knew." he circled the cage s as he spoke "now when I gave you that job, I was hoping you'd get him under control and to obey me.... seems not" he then came back to the spot where he started.

I glared him down but I was scared, no power, in a cage and victor has no clue. I was truly in deep shit now, but the one thing that scared me was what striker would do to victor if he acted out now, i'm not there to stop it. I walked forward but kept off the cage "please... don't do this. IF YOU DO THIS THEN I CANT STOP VICTOR... we will kill you" I pleaded, I knew it was pointless but what does one in this situation do when everything goes down the drain. Striker just smirked, ignoring my warning/threat. He walked off, leaving me in the cage, like an animal.








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