Old man

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I sat there waiting for him to say something. He just looked at me before clearing his throat "what... did you see then?" he asked, know fully well that I had questions "you as a teenager, in a huge house, a younger boy named... Jimmy and he murdered a man" I said little bits of the story but I could see he knew what I was talking about.

He sighed as he turned away "yeahhh... um, I guess you have some questions" I raised an eye brow "uhh just one right now... how old are you exactly?" I laughed a little as he looked over his shoulder "thats what your worried about, my age?" his smiled as he spoke to me but to be honest. That is what I was wondering "yeahh, I mean. Are you like a granpa or what" I started to laugh my ass off as he shook his head "well, I stopped ageing when I was fully grown so about mid 20s... but.... technically i'm over 100" he looked to his hands as I my mouth fell open "no.. fucking.. way" he turned around and saw my state.

We sat there for while but he then grabbed my hand "you still mad at me?" he asked as he drew circles in my hand. I looked to his hand and then to his eyes "very mad... but.... i- i'll stay" I said and I gripped on to his hand. I made mistakes in life and I knew this was going to be one, but what can I do.

He was surprised at my answer "what-" I placed my finger on him lips "i'll stay with you, I completely trust you but... you tell me everything, if you leave anything out and I find out. I'll not only leave but I'll kick the fuck out of you before" I said as I held tighter onto his hand. Victor just laughed as he came close "as you wish" I blushed as I push him away and got out of bed "yeah right, old man" I teased as I left the room with him following.


time just flies when your hunting down mutants, so turns out we were so good at our 2 WEEK job. The suits gave us a full time job, I wasn't to keen at first but soon I numbed to it.

Victor was becoming a bit darker but he always seemed to revert back to his old self when it was just us. i knew of his past, his brother, how he was alone as a boy and jimmy was all he had, he told me of the team he was in with his brother and after a mission, jimmy left and he hasn't been seen.

So here I was, laying in bed alone. Me and victor sort of became a thing at some point, I'm not sure when but it happened. I had the covers wrapped around me, I was looking at the scattered clothes all around the room. I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face, I looked around, victor was no where in the room, as usual.

I got up as I collected my clothes and placed them back on, I went to my phone as I dialled victor now there was a slim chance of him answering, it ringed out for a few seconds before going to voice mail "hey, im me, your girlfriend haha. Look if you ain't to busy, could you meet me at the island, doc wants to talk to me and I really hate being there without you... kay then bye" I hang up and hold the phone to my chest. I had this feeling in my chest, that these mini missions he randomly goes off on, that they were personal. He doesn't lie to me but still I cant help but feel like im in the dark.








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