Mystery guy

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I walked over to a girl who was nicely tanned, she had jet black hair that was up in a ponytail but it still reached half way down her back, she looked like she could fight well "hey there" I said in a flirty way, the girl stopped stretching and looked at me "pfft, I don't talk to little girls" that comment was starting to get on my nerves, she turned so her back was towards me. I knew how to work with these kind of girls, they like confidence "aww come on baby, lets... have a little chat" I placed my hands on her shoulders and softy dragged my fingers down her arms, I could feel her shiver.

I knew the longer I touched her the more I got "hehe, i've heard of you, your the girl who can beat anyone" I stopped my fingers and slightly stood back "so you're a fan?" she turned to me "let me get one thing straight. I have highest bets on me, one of them is my boss, so i'm gonna give you one warning, lose the fight or your life" she got up close to my face like she was trying to threaten me, I just smirked at her "thanks for the concern babe but I think i'll stick with kicking the hell out of you" she just looked me up and down before walking off.


I got sighed in and waited back stage to get my name called. I got quite a bit off that girl, turned out she's been trained in three different types of fighting and travels all over to do fight 'this is gonna be good'. I was brought out of thought when I heard my name get called "Eloise fay?" I looked up and nodded to let him know that was me "you're up" he then walked out the door but left it open for me, I sighed before getting up and walking though.

I entered a huge room which was filled with men and women, who were cheering and shouting. The guys lead me to the outside part of a ring, I looked in to see it was a mug ring '...great'. The guy who lead me out here was talking to some guys with a microphone, me, I was just looking around, my eyes scanned across the crowed till someone pushed me "ahh..." I fell back but someone caught me "you alright?" I stood up and looked, my eyes widened when I saw the guy, he was tall and mysterious but he has a simple shaved head but his beard was cut into a weird pattern, he was quite handsome but he looked slightly edgy since he was dressed all in black "umm-yeah yeah i'm good" I tried to brush myself off but then I heard the guy shout on me "you're fighting?" the mystery guy asked. I turned and folded my arms "yes I know, im just a little girl who is over my head, right?" I snapped at him.

He did something I didn't expect, he smiled at me "actually, I was just gonna say good luck" he gave a small laugh which sent shivers down my shine "oh..okay um thanks" I then stared to walk off to the other guy but I looked back to the mystery guy, who seemed to be checking me out 'damn, he kind of... hot' I then turned around and walked back stage to make my entrance.








Your Touch  (sabretooth x oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя