Leave or Stay

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, I'm so happy yet so upset rn. one because I saw beauty and the beast, but.... no one will come see it again, I really want to see it again, it was soooooo good. I love the songs and the small changes to it. just....... all of it)

I couldn't stay, not after what I saw. I got a flight back towards the island, I turned my phone off as I knew victor would phone. I was holding back the tears, I wasn't sure what to do 'you had a life before him' I reminded myself. It wouldn't be so simple, I liked having someone but now I was to scared to be with him.


I got to our- the house and unlocked it. I had a emergancy bag that was full of clothes, a gun and some money. Its a thing that victor drilled into my head, never thought I would use it to get away from him. I got in a grabbed some stuff before stuffing it in the bag, I started to look around the house as I could smell him, his scent covered the house.

I stopped what I was doing and just stood there with the bag at my feet. The tears findally came out, I cried out as I covered my lower face. My lets gave out as I sat down on the floor, I cant go back to being alone, doing meaningless jobs, not having a roof over my head. I rested my head on my knees, what was I going to do, suddenly something pointed into my head 'striker' if I leave then theres no guarantee that he wouldnt hurt victor.

I might e scared of victor... but I still love the fucking idiot. I sat there for a while before standing up and walking to the kitchen, I needed something if I was going to face him again, he'll want to explain, ill want him to shut up.


I cant believe she saw me, she saw me killing a mutant and ran off. I was so pissed of at myself, to make it worst logan was there but he got caught up in a fight with a gambler guy. Now I was heading back home, Eloise turned off her phone, ive left messages after message trying to get a hold of her. She wasn't going to forgive me so easily, I wont be surprised if I never saw her after what I did.

I got back and dropped off the sample to the doctors but no I had to see if she was truly gone. It started to pour down as I drove of towards the house, I could harly see anything but that didnt stop me for trying to get to the house. All I could think was walking into that house and not feeling her presents in it, her clothes gone, some food and drinks missing, a few broken things... maybe some of my stuff shredded.

I drove up to the house and dashed out, not caring that I didnt lock the car. I ran up to see the door was unlocked, it doesnt prove shes here. I opened the door to entre a dark house, I could smell her with a mix of- "ELOISE... BABY YOU HERE!?" I called out to her, I walked around trying to find something. I came across a bag in the bed room, thats when I knew she was still here "EL... ELOISE" I called out again but then I heard something out back.

I ran through to the kitchen to see a bottle of jack out and the back door opened "el...." I walked to the door to see her outside in the rain, she was sitting on a chair. I stepped out but stood on something, when I looked down I saw a broken glass. I sigh as I stepped over I and into the rain, I slowly made my way over to her "El... I-i'm so sorry" she didn't answer, she still zoned out like she wasn't really here.

(oh its a bit chilly outside guys)








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