Move it

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, I AM SO SORRY. IM THE WORST, I don't do this on purpose. Time is just not my friend. I will try harder but I do have to say, I'm going back to college tomorrow and I do have a job now.... so fuck knows how ill do it, but I will)


I waited for this stranger to find me, I was crouched into the corner as I faced the wall. I whispered for victor to find me, as if he could hear me somehow "eloise?" a female voice spoke, I looked to her as I saw it was that girl from up stairs "yes... who are you?" I asked. Standing up from the ground, I then saw him, logan "you... I remember you" logan stepped closer to the cage.

I jumped at this, not sure if he was angry or just curious. He looked to the cage and then to the girl as if to ask her a question, she looked to me "stand back" I didnt wait a second, I stepped back as logan brought his claws down on the lock. I covered my face as sparks flew everywhere, I waited a few second before looking, the door was open. Logan stood then with his claws out, I looked at them as I staid where I was "umm... you're making me a bit nervous" logan didn't move, I guess he did trust me.

Slowly I made my way out, making sure to stay away from both of them "how do you know victor?" logan asked, I was caught off guard. I didn't want to answer, then again did I have a choice "we met in Brazil little over a year ago... ive been... his partner, since then" I started to step towards the door but Logan growled "where you in on it, in all of this" I froze, I took the kids, he would kill me if I admitted it "n-no... I came here with victor, I did what I had to to survive" I started to panic as I stepped back again.

Logan was about to come right at me but lady stood in front of him "she's not worth it. we need to get my sister and the rest out of here" she looked over her shoulder to me, I took this as my cue to run.

However once I got out the door I was faced with smashed glass everywhere, victor no where to be seen. I looked to the room above but I couldn't see him "VICTOR!!" I yelled out hoping he would hear me and come find me. Still nothing, no voice calling my name, no running, nothing.

I was about to go up stairs "he's gone. Its what he does, I should know" I heard logans voice behind me. I turned slowly "he wouldn't leave me... he-" logan cut me of as he came forward "i know him. He's a monster and he uses people" I couldn't move as he was now right in front of me "he. Wouldn't... not to me" I had my head low but I looked up when I said the last bit. I felt the hot breaths falling on my face, but he moved back "fine then..." he was backing away, he was leaving me alone. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I saw them move towards where the kids were, leaving me here. I had nothing, if there is even a chance of what logan said being true, then I was done. I have nothing, my stuff, money, everything I have is with victor. I couldnt do anything right now, maybe I could do good. I ran towards them "i can help" I told them but logan just growled "no" but that didn't stop me. I walked in front of him "you dont know this place, I do... if what you said was true then ... ill leave victor, just let me do something to help" I was right in his face now, I could see the thought of killing me running in his mind "fine.. but stay out of my way" logan pushed by me.


One by one the kids were released by logan cutting through the locks, they slowly started to come out the cages, terrified. I looked to logan and the girl, she was hugging one of the kids, maybe a few years younger than her with blonde hair, they were clearly having a moment but I had to stop it "we have to move" I called out as I started to make my way to the exit. The kids recognized me "why should we listen to you, your the reason we're here" one of them pointed out "look kid, I made a mistake... yous will make them in your life" I snapped as I stepped towards them but logan le out a small growl, warning me. I stepped back and pointed "i know the way out... follow if you want" I spoke bluntly as I began to move towards the exit, one by one they started to follow but made sure to stay a bit away for me.

I lead them towards the huge doors in the warehouse as I knew this would lead a straight towards the roads, however the doors opened to reveal a guy, it was the test subject "oh shit.." I whispered as I stepped back "what... what is that?" logan asked as he came up front "someone i'm not messing with..." I looked to his arm. I brought my hand up to take a bit of him power but he gave me a look "don't even try it" I saw his claws coming out.

Slowly I started to back off "there's other ways out of here... MOVE IT" I yelled as I ran off with the kids. I needed powers, I was totally helpless right now, I cant protect myself, never mind all of them.

We ran but towards the cages, me leading I ended up running out when guns started to fire "AHHH" I screamed as I too cover behind a wall. I looked to my arm to see a bullet in it "oh crap..." I sighed, guns still firing at us "AIN'T ONE OF YOUS GOT A DEADLY POWER!?" I called out as I pressed down on my shoulder "i can help, just cover me" a guy with bandages, don't think I remember him "get behind me" the blonde girl orders as she turns into a crystal like state. I watched as the boy lifts up the bandages and screams as a red energy comes out his eyes, destroying everything in it way.

I watched in amazement as he took out everyone in one look "that's some power you've got, kid" he covered up his eyes "did I get them?" he asked, completely ignoring me "yeah" everyone got up and started to move out to the open area "where too?" someone asked. I glared at the kids, without another word I got up and started to make my way down one of the many tunnels "keep up" I called as I heard them following. As I walked down, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach "ahh... shit" I tensed up as I leaned on the wall "what?... are you okay?" the blonde asked, I shook my heart "no..." suddenly I saw flashes of a scene, it was outside 'Eloise' it was victors voice "v-victor?" I stuttered. I looked to the others "who?" I stood up and sighed "i have to go back. Go down this tunnel, keeping going and don't stop. If someone comes at you, use your powers, dont be scared and dont hesitate" I looked to each of them before I started to head back, hearing them start to run off, I picked up the pace.

I could feel him, how?... was this a development in my mutation?... had I imagined his voice. Oh god, was I having a break down.








Your Touch  (sabretooth x oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora