I need you right now

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(so sorry my mutants, I really hate when  do stuff like this. but I've been dealing with a lot in these past few weeks, I just need to get back on track, hopefully that's the last time I'm lat with updates)


I sat in a different room, I was being looked at by doctors and nurses as they went discussing some stuff but then a nurse came up to me "my I take a sample of your blood?" she asked, I arched my brows as I held out my arm "no" I said not really caring. Suddenly a doctor came to the other side "miss fay. I wish to ask you some questions if you don't mind" he looked hella creepy with that smile on his face. I sighed "as long as you don't annoy me" I saw other people in the room looking at me as if they were waiting for something to happen "ah yes, well are you and mr creed willing to participate in the program?" I snapped my head toward him "what, kidnapping kids for you guys ain't enough?!" I clutched on to table waiting for him to go on.

He was sweating a little " oh no no, I MEAN.. we are grateful for that but I was thinking. Are you and mr creed willing to.... have a child. With both your amazing DNA it would be-" suddenly I grabbed his collar pulling him closer "are you seriously asking me... to get pregnant and THEN GIVE YOU GUY MY KID TO EXPERAMENT ON" I threw him back as I got up "mrs fay please I didn't mean-" the guy said. My eyes snapped to the nurse who spoke "tell me, would you give up a child, how about you. Any of you" I mostly spoke to the women, they looked down.

I tutted "soo why the FUCK what you think I t was okay to even think I would" I turned away as I walked to the doors. I hate this fucking place, sick minded people who didnt have a soul. I walked outside as I got in the car "take me home" I snapped to the driver, I looked out the window as we drove off. I felt my phone vibrate, I quickly took it out to see victors name "victor" I said, on the edge of tears "el?.. baby what's wrong?. Are you hurt?" he heard my voice and became worried "c-can you please come home. I-i n-need you right now" I couldn't hold it back.

Lucky me he was already back and his phone had died a few hours after leaving the house. I told him I was on my way home, I gave the drive a look that scared him, making him go that little bit faster. I hung up the phone as I just sat it the back with tears in my eyes, what was I going to tell victor.


It felt like hours before we drove up side my house, I saw victor coming out the door, face like thunder "Eloise? You okay baby?" he said as he opened the door. With out a beat I took him into my arms "i am now" I took in his smell, holding his head close to me, he give the same to me, but he starte dto give me little kisses on my shoulder and neck "hey hey, its okay. I'm here." I nodded but then I took his hand, taking him back into the house.

He was really worried but he should be "victor, I went to the island... and" I wasn't sure how to tell him but he held my hand "did someone touch you. Did striker try something" I saw his nails grow. I shook my head "t-the doctors... they asked me if... oh jesus fucking Christ" I covered my face with my hands "what... ELOISE , TELL ME" victor yelled making me snap my head up "THEY ASKED US TO HAVE A KID SO THEY COULD TURN IT TO A WEAPON" I stood up screaming it. The face he had was scary, the way his just looked so shock and then his eye darkened.

He slowly stood up as he cupped my face "which... doctor?" he whispered. I blinked as I took a breath in " doctor mclauglin, short, black comb back, looks like a creep" he then kissed me sweetly before taking off, I stood there as I watched him go. He was gonna kill the doctor and even worst, he was probably going to come back and want to talk to me about this, even the thought of have kids scared me. I wasn't mother material, hell I found it exhausting to work, sleep and live with victor, how would I deal with a mini... us.








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