You came back?

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( HEYYY MY MUTANTS.... so I'm not gonna say I'm sorry i've not been around and I'm sorry I'm taking forever... because, my papa is in hospital. he's very ill and i've been upset, he's been in for nearly two month and we've been told, hes not getting better... so yeah, ive been sad and ive not been write because of that.)

I laid here staring at the thing that would end me "S- striker please...d- don't" the only thing I could do was beg, not like I could beat him, move out of the way in time. I could see it, he could shoot me in the chest, leave me to slowly die, in pain or he could shoot me in the head... and its over, just gone in seconds.

Striker cocked the gun, sending a shiver of fear through me, I seemed to be in shock my body refusing to move at all, dammit I cant do shit. Tears started to build in my eyes "such a shame.... such a waste." strikers word invaded my mind, I stared at him wish for him to just let me go, wish for someone to stop him, for somehow that gun not to go off. I closed my eyes tight,. I thought of him not wanting to watch him pull the trigger, not wanting striker to be that last thing I see in this life, I thought of my life.

No that was shit, I had a terrible life, I fought for money, I slept in poor condition hotels and I was alone- that is till, victor, he made everything better for me, even made me a bit better. we fought but I don't care "i love you, victor" I whispered, wanting my last words to be for victor.

I waited for the gun to go off and it did, i jumped but... I never felt the pain of the bullet or the impact of it, why wasn't I dead?, was I dead?, does death not hurt?. Suddenly I heard "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HER!" v-victor?.... I opened my eyes to see the striker on the ground not sure if he was dead, dying or what. I shuffled back a little as I finally let go of the breath I was hold. I'm alive, I began to let tears run down my face as I looked to the gun on the ground, that could of ended me.

My vision was a mess, I couldn't quite believe how close I was to death. Soon I found myself in a comforting set of arms, the fear slipped away for me in seconds "y-ou came back for m-me?" I question, I thought he really had left or was hurt in some way, I was scared to look at his face "... well of course, you're my girl" I found myself clinging on to him but hissed when my shoulder press against him, but I didn't care, I was scare that he would leave any second now "p-ple-ase d-don''t le-ave m-me" I stuttered from the tears and the fact my throat was starting to hurt.

I took in his scent as I curled against his chest, I felt him coming down to my ear "Never baby. I'm no going anywhere" I cried a little more, his breathing hitched a little, he placed a hand against my shoulder slightly but I pull away "i got shot" I quickly explained. Victor get a low growl out before pulling me close again, I cling on to him again.

Victor lifted me up at one point, when I looked up from the sound of sirens, we were headed towards a small car "v- victor?" I question as I looked to his face, I could see he was tired but he didn't seem at all upset "we're leaving. Going off grid for a while" he announced, seeming to already made a plan and I was to just go along with it "victor.." I placed my hand on to his face. He looked down to me, slowly down his pace "el?..." I took a deep breath in before I spoke "you cant keep stuff from me any more. I want to be with you... but I can't.. if you keep me in the dark" I confessed.

He began to walk again, not answering me at first but when we got next to the car and he opened the door, victor started to talk "i wont. We're going to a cabin in Canada. Its far in the wood, we wont be bothered at all" he kissed my forehead before placing me in the back seat. There was pillows and cover for me, along with two travel bags and a first aid kit. I hissed when I pulled off my top to get to my shoulder "you need help with that?" victor ask, holding out his hand.

I smirked up to him, pressing my hand on to his , taking some of his healing. I gasped as I felt my shoulder starting to ack. I started to grip victors hand, waiting for it to heal up already. After a minute I felt the bullet roll down my shirt before it left to the floor "nice" victor laughed, I glanced up at him as a smirk grew on my face.

With the little moment shared and passed, victor went to the drivers seat, starting the car up. I felt tired, today was just to much, however... something came to mind that I felt like I should ask "is your.... brother okay... logan" I asked, I could see his face in the little mirror, I could see he was trying control himself "yeah.. he;s like me, he'll be fine, el..." he seemed upset but I didn't want to push him to much.

Our relationship was wobbly and needed work, so it was best to just let him be. I really did need sleep and it was a long drive so there was nothing really I could do or say. So I laid down and looked to the mirror again, victor was looking to the road. I felt my eyes starting to weigh down, slowly I started to drift off but I knew I was safe, that victor would watch over me whilst I rested.

(its so short but like I said, had a lot going on. this is the best I could do right now. )








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