Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Kinsley's POV:

I am worried out of my mind about Jayce and my mom. I have done nothing but wait around. I'm so sick of it. As I was about to turn the corner of the hall for like the tenth time I heard whispered voices.

"Kinsley can't know of this. If she finds out she'll never let it go and force us to take her along. I can't believe he would actually do this."

"I can," a female voice, more specifically Avery, interjected.

"He's making Jayce fight every day for his life. It's been five days and Jayce looks awful. He's a great fighter but he gets no break, barely any food, and gets beaten up afterwards. I wouldn't have lasted that long," Mikey broke the tense silence.

"Did you guys get anything else from snooping around?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah, I think we've found some shortcuts around so we can use those when we break in and take Jayce and Ms. Jocelyn back," Tristan planned out, "Jayce and Ms. Nichols are left alone for exactly five minutes every day when there is a guard shift.

"That sounds like a trap," Asher pointed out.

"OW!" I heard Asher yell. I guess Elizabeth thwacked him.

"Asher right now that's a risk we're just going to have to take. I know if we don't do this Kinsley is going to do something stupid. Besides I want to exact my revenge on the Peacers for killing our little brother, right Ethan?"

"I agree with Lizzie," he piped up with a sad tone.

Elizabeth and Ethan had a brother? I never knew that. I guess it's a sore subject not brought up without a consequence.

I left before any of them found me out and planned my escape.

Avery's POV:

"Tell me exactly why you guys are having us put fake tattoos on our skin and why are we wearing black?" I asked Tristan and Elizabeth.

"We need to blend in with those people and all of them basically wears black and has some form of tattoo. Besides they're fake so it wouldn't mar your soft skin," Tristan said with a pointed look towards me. I gulped. This boy is really trying to get my heart rate up. I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack yet.

As I was saying that he gently grabbed my arm and started putting a temporary tattoo of a phoenix. Since he came from behind me I had the displeasure of feeling his warm breath on my neck. I spoke too soon about that heart attack.

"Are you okay? I see the vein in your neck pulsing erratically," he asked his breath hitting my neck again making my heart rate rise even more. I didn't even know that was possible. I nervously tapped my foot and couldn't wait until he was finished.

"Okay, you are good to go. By the way, I like it when your nervous of me," he said. My breath hitched but he was nice enough to leave so I can pull my wits together.

I'm falling for a guy who can get any girl at the drop of a hat. What's wrong with me. I'm so stupid.

Kinsley's POV:

I followed them to the "arena" and carefully maneuvered myself so I can see them but they can't see me.

"Where is Jayce?" I heard Elizabeth ask.

"He'll be out soon and when he goes back we'll just follow him quietly and strike when they change guards. They do it at that time because he's very weak at that point. They're stupid enough to believe it that the first guard gets out early and the second comes in late. That's their mistake," Mikey observed.

"Okay guys you ready? Because there is no going back," stated Avery.

"Yeah, we're ready," the whole group replied.

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