Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Kinsley's POV:


All of my friends were around me badly injured or dead.

What have I done?

We weren't ready yet I pushed for this war.

I heard a click and turned around. A man was holding a gun up to my head.

"Stay AWAY from her!" I heard Jayce yell body slamming the dude and taking them both down.

I heard the gun go off and Jayce grunt in pain.

I screamed.

"I'm fine it just grazed me," he assured me.

"Well that bullet may have grazed you but I assure you this one won't," a familiar baritone voice said while cocking a gun. I looked up to see the one and father.

"Dad, don't do this," I heard my voice crack.

"Sorry honey but you chose the wrong side. Once this is over you can join me," with that he shot Jayce in the head.

"NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed with every fiber in my body, falling down on my knees.

I gathered him into my arms and felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I looked at my father with complete hatred, "I will never join you," I said with such venom in my words.

"Very well, I didn't need you anyway. We already won this war. Thanks to you the Keepers will no longer be around," my father laughed maniacally.

"You're sick," I spat out.

"Well, it's only politics," he cocked the gun again and shot.

It hurt like crazy at first then I welcomed it. Jayce. He was the last thing I thought about.

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