Bella Gangster

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Bella POV

"What is k pop? " Matt ask

"Let me show you " Paul say and grab his Mac laptop and type in k pop.

"So your like a k pop singer or wannabe" Matt say

Me and Paul was silence then suddenly Paul got up "she is a k pop singer and been training if you didn't know she is Ailee" Paul say getting up pulling Flora with him.

Matt follow him and we enter one of the rooms on the floor it was lock and I enter the code. Inside was all the awards and albums the was out so far. I didn't do concerts not yet anyway I was training for that part.

"Omg I can't believe your Ailee"flora say and hug me and I laugh.

"Guys I'm tried let's just get some sleep already" Paul say pulling me with him we walk up the stairs.

"So it's normal for us to lock the doors of the room now pay attention. There is a special code for these bedroom door. It's lock on both side and both codes are different on both side of the door. Me and Paul have the password for the door on the outside and on the inside you just press your finger on the keypad. It will open from the inside okay so pay attention" I told both flora and Matt.

"Thanks I feel safe knowing that nobody can get in our rooms" Matt say.

Flora and Matt enter their rooms and I lock the doors and press the codes. After me and Paul lock our doors also I showered again and got into bed.

Time to get some good needed sleep ...

I wake up around 6am and open my bedroom and open flora and Matt door also.

Waking them up flora borrow some of my clothes and Paul borrow some of Shane clothes. We headed down to the kitchen and I made us breakfast.

Flora help with the fruit salad while Matt and Paul help with the pancakes and drinks.

We seat the table and then bring in our breakfast and eat. "Can you drop me home my parents are messaging me like crazy" flora say.

"Lucky you all my dad say was I hope your ass don't get shot because we are going fishing the week" Matt say and we all laugh.

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