Bella Gangster

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Aliee POV

I'm not ready to deal with all this family stuff. I had even heartache already. As soon as I got home Lee called me asking what happen. Seem like the reporters worked super fast.

Me and William was all over the news and kpop blogs. We were even all over Facebook there goes my peaceful week.

Lee arrange a Q&A for me with fans and it was good also because I could clear the air once and for all. I didn't want to hide the truth anymore and my fans deserve the hold truth. I had a pop up with BTS the guys had a meet and greet with fans later tomorrow.

I fall onto the bed and fall into a deep sleep.

~~~Next morning~~~

My phone wake me up and I search for were the sound was coming. My face still bury into my pink Scooby-Doo pillow.

I couldn't find it so I got up and showered and got dress. My room door open I peak out to see it was my personal assistant. She had a few bags in here hand and a folder under her arm.

"Hey Aliee are you here still?" Jazz ask

"Yeah I'm in the bedroom" I shouted back

"Lee wanted you to wear this and read over this file" jazz say coming to the bedroom. She lap out the outfit on the bed.

"Wow he went all the way out" I told jazz and she laugh.

"Let's hurry the van is waiting" jazz say and she started to do my hair and make up. In a few mins she had finish my hair and make up.

I put on my outfit and shoes and my belly was starting to show more in this outfit. It's was to tight or to big it was just right.

"I have you bag and phone, your breakfast is in the van let's go" jazz say and we left the apartment and I lock the door.

We arrive at the company and a lot of fans were outside. I wave as I got out the van and everyone was shouting and taking pictures. I was rush into the building and Lee give me some vitamins which I told forgot to take today.

"Thanks Lee I forgot all about them" I told him
"Have to look out for my daughter and my grandchild" Lee say and I smiled

"Are you ready ?" Jazz ask

"Never I'm not even sure about this now" I told them

Lee rub my back and jazz give me a little hug so did other members of the staff.

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