Bella Gangster

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Bella POV

Ace drop me off at the studio and I did my album well I had a few more songs. Then my album would be complete Lee and Jazz bought lunch for me.

"We got a Ticket from Sm for a vacation for you" Lee say
"What?" I told Lee

"Sm workers and artists are going on a all pay vacation. It's on a private island just artists and workers." Jazz say happily and Lee laugh

"Your still part of Sm Aliee is Sm but Bella is  Sonny entertainment." Lee say

"Yeah I know I need a vacation after today's melt down." I told them

"You leaving this afternoon its for a month" jazz say

"Are you guys coming" I ask them

"We are Sm entertainment after all" Lee say and me and Jazz laugh

"Of course he would say that he wants to get away from his girlfriend" jazz say.

"Look let's just get our stuff the jet is taking off early and we can't tell anyone we don't even know where we are going" jazz say

"Who cares we are out of Korea I can finally breath again." Lee say

We finish our lunch and left the studio Lee stop at his house and got his suitcase then jazz got her stuff. Last was me I left my phone home and carried my new iPad mini and Jessica iPod. I pack my clothes and stuff into my big suitcase and grab my passport.

I told my mom I wasn't going to be able to contact her anytime soon. She got worried so I told her I was going to be busy with work for Sm. I give her my Face time name and told her I would call her. She wasn't to happy but my dad finally got her to let me go.

We arrive at the airport Jessica, Tiffany and other k pop artists where there. We weren't at the international airport so we didn't had any reporters thank heavens. It was just us and our bodyguards who were also taking the vacation.

There were about 7 jets all private own by Sm of course. We boarded and the jets take off to destination the unknown. Cause nobody but the pilot knew where we were going.

We play board games, scary movie cooked some crazy weird looking food that taste well let's just say we didn't eat them. We had fun loads of fun on the jets the guys got everyone to play truth or dare. We had our own private dance club in the jet and after we fell sleep listening to some classic Korean music.

This trip was going to be one for the history books.

Take notes everyone more cast will be added as the book goes on. This is going to be one crazy trip. If you where in Bella position would you go. It's a training trip but also a vacation most likely the group will just be having fun.

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